This Is - The HOME Page - What Lurks Within? Oh, BTW,`UFO Disclosure'? Bottom Of Page!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

About Time For That Fake ISIS UFO Story?

I've already had a few visits from search for the `ISIS UFO' already -- and no one has even done the FAKE UFO story, yet. Indeed, ONLY a `hit' in the next week will validate this prediction...... (Gotta have a bit of fun in UFOlogy, right?)
More UFO Newsy Links

Yo Amazon
Speaking Of Good Amazon Content

in other matters

Monday, September 29, 2014

Conspiracy Theorist Orbs

I found the headline in the search terms that qualified folks to see UDCC in an internet search, proudly. Because, loosely, the words describe myself and my approach to UFOlogy after reviewing and analysizing 1000's upon 1000's of MUFON UFO reports since 2007. Conspiracy Theorist Orbs.

The Conspiracy
Now is it all a conspiracy much like you see in TV specials and far out internet sites that suggest that the shape shifting reptilians have taken over the world? Hardly.
Then is it a conspriracy that the aliens (no shaped shifting, no taken over world) are here bigtime and are in kahoots with the governements of the world? Hardly.
Well, then,.... is it that the worthless government has all the good UFO files under secret wraps? Hardly. (see sidebar)
Then, for good god - what is the conspiracy? The conspiracy is nothing more than some higher technology being under wraps -and huge black budgets that include unlimited waste. NOTHING THAT A GOVERNMENT WANTS TO ADMIT. (Well, they won't admit to the obvious middle man being Robert Bigelow either, I guess.)

The Theorist
I proudly take this mantle. UFOlogy is nearly obviously NOT SIMPLE and involves most likely multiple types of phenomena. Much of my personal analysis is based on my own ideas about Phenomenology - about `types of spaces'. I've blogged thoughtful essay's about how there might be 4 different TYPES  of entities - all based on Phenomenology. 
Additionally, I'm probably the only UFOlogist that has some belief in `things' being possibly `Fortean' for lack of a better word. And, I DO play it BOTH ways on `craft bearing aliens' - as I do believe that it is indeed possible but not certain that a VERY LIMITED number of `craft bearing aliens' may indeed hang out in our solar system. These aliens represent IMO - almost NO impact on our UFO reality experienced by most human perception.

Orbs are the true UFO phenomena - I'm about the only UFOlogist to tell you that. Orbs seem to project a reflection of what one considers anomalous and are at least on occasion `triggered' by human consciousness. When multiple Orbs are present.... which is quite rare but constitute the vast majority of `over the top' cases..... very anomalous things seemingly can occur to the human perceiving the `space disruptor'. These things can range from a missing time experience to the morphing of the orbs into `craft' - in 2014 generally, but only generally, that means Triangle to the human consciousness.

Conspiracy Theorist Orbs
One almost has to work in reverse for this one applying it to UDCC and my own viewpoint. I `believe' Orbs are the true UFO..... the powers that be (Government/Official spokespeople for UFOs) would prefer to divert attention from the `sky magicians'/ Orb Callers' - to the much more mundane `aliens in crafts' storyline. As I've blogged before - they hardly want a million magicians doing their `miracles' for all to see.
So, simply, I'm an indeed an Orb Theorist who thinks that the powers that be suppress what Orb theory represents --- which could certainly be considered a conspiracy.

Finally, to consider Orbs `crafts' - after a morphing, - IMO is a dis-service to the perceptual experience. But, that is a whole different matter.
Real UFO Blogging
Oh, so the Director of MUFON investigations asked me if I'd like to be on his MUFON radio show? Any feedback Clockers?
Some Amazon Choices

Friday, September 26, 2014

The Day An Orb Caller Rubbed `The Ability' In The Main Stream Media's Face

It's a matter of internet history that @2004 or so that some folks were already `orb callers' in the sense that they would go outside with recording equipment `knowing' that most of the time they would be successful in capturing an orb in flight. But, when the Prophet was trotted out the phenomena was JUST beginning to gain traction.... and, I think, the MSM saw a chance to keep the genie in the bottle.

The day the MSM was ready to discredit the `movement' with the most outrageous of characters - Prophet Yahweh - and, it backfired. CLASSIC Modern Day UFOlogy.

As Clockers know, I've identified about 2 dozen folks who claims `the ability' for different lengths of time, using usually different but similiar techniques of mindfulness. Simply use the labels here on UDCC to research the phenomena more.
What Amazon Coughs Up When `Calling Orbs' Is Searched

oh, is it possible that MUFON doesn't know how to search their own database?
UFO Disclosure = Ludicrous Foes

Thursday, September 25, 2014

A Most Curious Question From MUFON To The Blog

So yesterday - out of the blue - I get an unsolicited E-Mail from the MUFON Director Of Investigations, Steve Hudgeons.... asking, politely, ` where and or how you get the information for the MUFON UFO Sighting reports that you post on the blogs?'
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE:This message is intended for the use of the individual, entity or extraterrestrial to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from .......
And, what is of interest is this.... since I screen the MUFON latest reports nearly daily,....evidently.... I am seeing stuff BEFORE it is being edited OUT by staff at MUFON - indeed, just recently I went to search for some UFO pictures that were available the day before and found that it seems that MUFON is SCRUBBING the searchable material of photos and videos........ a BIG HMMMM. Are some orbs simply getting too hot?
I've been running into some interesting things on Twitter lately... directing me to paranormal types of websites and such. Here's a NEW podcast show this month:
Meanwhile Lee Speigel overstates a meeting of religious folks at NASA talking about ET life such as microbes titled
As Clockers know,.... when UFO Disclosure was hot (2009-2011) I said that it wouldn't happen due to the fact that microbes would be admitted first... not alien beings.
Covered this yesterday, don't miss the great blogging I'm doing at Strange State UFO on Reddit.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The `Outer Space' Proof

My only question would be proof of what? That humans have this capacity? That ALIENS are in those vehicles? Or, that something nefarious or amazing is within the reach of the technology of today (telescopic night vision equipment) but has to be denied until the time is right?

As I continue the nostaglia farewell Squidoo.Com coverage I came across one of my earlist `heavy' links (2006) about a particle in physics that travels between our world and the world of anti-matter (when we humans create the right conditions) 3 Trillion Times A Second - a `thing' called B sub s meson particle.
get your Reddit UFO fix today
IF you didn't do your part at the top of this post - please click `the thumb' below to vote UDCC up. Thanks.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Recurring Orb Phenomena In Salem Ohio Caught On Camera

You can sense the urgency of this person as the phenomena continues to be on-going... they say a month now. These pictures are from the latest MUFON reports of an event Sept. 5th - looks a bit like the sky symbol phenomena and what is being seen in places like Missouri.

This will be my second report. I have been observing these objects this month and also during the month of august. I hope this report will be taken more seriously. These objects can be seen most nights. Unless it is stormy or too cloudy. Using 7 x35mm wide angle 9.5 degree binoculars to look at These objects. On this night they moved lower and close enough that i was able to photograph them with my cell phone. They made no noise. They hover for long periods of time moving in an pendulum, zigzag, anda sort of figure 8 pattern. Then they will move closer or further away.periodically in the manner i mentioned above.they also emmit balls of light. They are ejected at very fast speed. These object at times then emit a flash of light simular to a flash grenade. There is a farm across the street. If the orbs are ejected over the farm the cows sound like they are screaming. These craft also change their attitude. One night there were at least15 - 20 of them in a circle several miles in diameter. And they were all flashing their lights like a strobe light On the 6th of september at about 3:30am i sat up in bed to close the window. And there was a round obe across the street above the neighbors back yard. It dropped straight down from several hdred feet to behind the trees i think it landed somewhere behind the neighbors in the woods or a field. It decended so quickly i didnt have time to photograph it. And to tell the truth it kinda rattled me a bitto see it that close There have been several reports of ufos in the tri-state area. Several of them being in ohio. One in salem ohio just this week. And there was an incident in Pa that was seen by not only rhe wittness. But several police as well.the objects are hard to describe. I think i will let the photos speak for themselves .
Some Of The Cellphone Photos
I cover this story more with pictures at Strange State UFO.
Click The Book Covers Below Please

Monday, September 22, 2014

Jerusalem Orb Transcript Started

As one of the few day to day UFO bloggers in the world and one with a bit of a history stretching back 7 years - I will be bringing my full UFO blogging efforts together for one last look at the UFO that changed UFOlogy - the Jerusalem Orb. In this Kindle book I will reveal what seems to be unspoken about the post-event `coverage' provided by both the MSM and by Eligael Gedalyovich (who as you can see via this link, I am connected with on LinkedIn Eligael.)

Some Clockers know that in the sidebar you can find Eligael linking to UDCC (I now discover the link has been removed) as the source for understanding what happened that Jan 2011 night. Considering what I've found in researching my upcoming book... I'm not surprised it is gone. More to be revealed with the release of the book.
I also joined The Alien UFOs Forum and introduced myself... I'd like to welcome any of those folks who investigated further and ended up right here.
And today's Squidoo Classic Involves The MSM - A TV Station in Huntsville covering a very strange UFO case in 2008 - when UFO cases were still on TV:

Here BTW is a second even more compelling account of the above event - indeed, this was my original link to the Story it's well worth your read.
Thanks For Your Readership

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Out There Alert - The Hynek Scale (Post At New UFO Website)

Hello Clockers...... my moderated page at Reddit called Strange State UFO has tentitivly reached 500 subscribers... in part due to Clockers joining Reddit I suspect too. That number is tentitive and goes up and down... so we'll see. 

As Clockers also know, UDCC is committed to turning you onto OTHER UFO websites...... And, along those regards... yesterday (or very recently) I was contacted by a NEW UFO blogger, Drew, who at his new website put up some cool cartoonish graphics to explain the levels of UFO contact. 
Infographic illustrates Encounters of First, Second, and Third Kinds
Hit The Link Below To Enlarge The Graphic For Reading
Hi Rick,

I was checking out your UFO blog and I wanted to share this new infographic I've been working on explaining the Hynek Scale.  It's a petty straightforward explanation of something that a lot of people still get wrong, so I thought it might be interesting to your readers......

We want to make sure the truth gets out there to as many people as possible without censorship, so I'd love to contribute to your blog if you ever need it.

Drew's new UFO website is called Out There Alert. Out There Alert also has a few other posts and a bit of archive material too..... A bit strangely these other first posts in his sidebar are very heavily NASA oriented...... hmmm. Also covers some MUFON type reports too. Anyway welcome the new guy onto the block won't you? Who's making the pumpkin pie?
(covering a daytime Orb sighting)

Fairly typical coverage... but, at least the daytime orb phenomena being covered. `Flying Saucers' you know.
Hey would you please check out my fastest rising page at HubPages?
Finally - this is important too - did you click the thumb on the voting for UDCC (UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock) when you started this post? NO? Then please click the thumb and vote for UDDC here. Appreciated.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Evaluating `Impossible' UFO Accounts

So, some citizen makes an over the top UFO report from Michigan to MUFON.... read it below and then I will comment:
(The short description said `Flashing Lights Above The Field')
(red is my emphasis)
my husband and I were watching tv about 8;30 PM WHEN I HEARD a helicopter flying over. I saw it was flying north. (we live in a rural area with corn and bean fields surrounding our home). Within minutes we heard a loud thundering sound, like several jets.It got so loud I went to the back deck to look up. Suddenly there was a huge flash of light in the north about 1/4 mile away. My husband thought a jet blew up. Then there were many flashes of light but they were stationary and lasted only seconds. THe the loud rumbling faded away. We went back inside. Again we heard the sound of jets approaching from the south. We both jumped up and went to the front porch and yard. The noise was very loud. ALmost overhead a bright light flashed, egg shaped likr, then disappeared to reappear a short distance away then there were several. Our son and family live mile west, we called them and they saw them too. This display continued on and off for about another 40 min
We called the airbase to see if they were doing war games in our area. No, they said never in this area. Our neighbor to the north also heard the sounds but never went outside. We were told by the air base there were no 
jet in our area during this time period. We really thought it was just war-games but the air base denied any traffic in the area.
The flood of questions that comes to mind after reading such an account - stretches the need to expand ones definition of what a UFO experience is. Especially what seems to be an impossible UFO account like this.

Clockers know that I've made this suggestion in the past even as flipped out as it sounds - the JETS are not real. And note in this case, the jets are NEVER seen only heard (and the `helicopter' wasn't actually seen too). And, indeed, even if they `were seen' I'd still say the jets or what is often supposedly seen within minutes `the military copters'  are NOT really jets or military copters responding impossibly fast either.

Indeed, please note that this ENTIRE experience was a localized sound and light experience. Frankly, it sounds like it has some sort of nefarious source, whether `blue beam' human technology or something even alien. And, finally, this could be simply the planting of disinfo.... to generate views that distract like this one.
I hope that you are coming to UDCC near daily to catch the sidebar `State UFO Blogs' - it's THERE that often you can catch the very best of the MUFON reports that I cover nearly everyday while moderating at Strange State UFO where within the last 36 hours I've posted multiple MUFON UFO pictures and posted links to STRANGE UFO stories like the one above.
A few of my Amazon Kindle Books are below
you do NOT need a Kindle device to read Kindle Books on your desktop - download the software for FREE.

starting at 99 cents

Thursday, September 18, 2014

From Pine Bush New York

Hello Clockers. So, a buddy from NYC visited earlier this month and brought with him some `letters' from some folks in New York,.... Pine Bush to be exact....yes, that Pine Bush (known for UFO's) indeed, one of the two letters brought was from a man name Butch who is a barber in town (has a mini UFO display too) - Anyway... one of those two correspondences I bring to you below:

How to be informed
 Study this subject, comprehend established and documented facts, research, Inquirer, question, examine, investigate, explorer, search, calculate and analyzed, and then review, review, review, 

Congratulations reader with acknowledgement  of the above terms comes foreknowledge and inight.... tenants for which depart you from the unaware uninformed and mis-informed. Your intellectual reward advances you to the ranks of the inform. You can now challenge the company of the befuddled.... you have our best wishes and best of'll need it.
I totally concur and stress frequently the anagram for UFO Disclosure is `Ludicrous Foes'..... I often refer to official government misinfo of the 1950's that fits this term and the hoaxters about and around every corner to this very day on the subject.
One more piece of content from Pine Bush Soon.
Amazon Choices
My State UFO Blog Series Includes
How about another dip into the bin pool?
please take a look around
So, in the bin on my Squidoo Pages about to vanish I found the Original reporting of the `Chicago O'Hare UFO
At approximately 16:30 p.m. (Central) on Tuesday, November 07, 2006, Federal authorities at O'Hare Airport received a report that approximately a dozen witnesses were observing a small, round disc-shaped object, metallic in appearance, which hovered over Gate C 17 at that airport.
The object was first spotted by an employee, working on the ramp, who was engaged in "pushing back" Flight 446, departing Chicago for Charlotte, NC. The employee reported to his supervisors that the object appeared to be almost directly above his location at Gate C 17, it appeared to be perfectly round, and that its size was approximately equal to a U. S. quarter, held at arm's length. The object had a metallic appearance, according to the first witness, and it appeared to him to be spinning.
The first witness apprised the flight crew of Flight 446 of the existence of the object above their aircraft, and we believe both the pilot and copilot were witness to the bizarre object, as well. The witness also contacted his supervisors, who also witnessed the object, which was visible for approximately 2 minutes.
Book Below Is My Blogging Of The Event

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Amazing `What's Going On' 2014 `Show Me' UFO Pictures Out Of Missiouri

Clockers are aware that I started the State UFO blog series last year with about as many states as I could get off the ground so to speak..... and one of them was Missouri - a hotspot for `UFO' activity for at least this decade of the 2010's. Take a look below at the variety of high strangeness Orbs traveling in Missouri according to the latest MUFON reports.
IF you like first person accounts of UFO strangeness - the ones that HAVE Photos(?) - then you must see
the subreddit I moderate


Monday, September 15, 2014

The 1870 UFO Photo

I'm roaming around my linkbin again (this time from the top of the bin) and found this to stew over - UFO or simply a camera anomaly or picture defect?
And, how about this one from the bin - a guy with MY name who years ago wrote about How UFOs Work - hmmm. UDCC has had a few of these folks as you know.
Click cover
The Other Conversation With Lujan Matus Book
When W. L. Ham approaches the Nagual Lujan Matus for insight into enigmatic events that have marked his awareness, what he learns revolutionizes everything he thought he knew. Realizing that he has found an authentic guide, Bill enters into a intensive apprenticeship and directly begins to experience the multiplex of luminous interactivity that is our living matrix as never before. Like countless others, Bill had been galvanized when concepts like ‘the energy double’, ‘dreaming awareness’, and ‘first and second attention’, were introduced in the 1960s. Exploring these fascinating propositions in his own waking and dreaming life, he is faced with discoveries and challenges utterly unaccounted for by conventional definitions of reality. Bill begins faithfully documenting his exchanges with Lujan, and the result is a most extraordinary manual on the crucial yet little understood subject of reclaiming our dimensional sovereignty. A friendly flow of dialogue belies the gravity of this material, as Lujan deftly elucidates the very fabric of existence with humble yet unequivocal authority. These are no second-hand sorcery tales but genuine revelations from a seer bound by his inevitability to communicate what he knows. Describing the innermost workings of the holographic universe with rare precision, these teachings decode riddles of perception that have long been surrounded with confusion, providing a luminous bridge to our interdimensional potential as human beings. The sometimes-alarming nature of what Lujan reveals is tempered by the multifaceted affirmation that the key to finding freedom lies in truly applying ourselves to the moment that continually escapes us, guided only by that most precious instrument of divination, our heart.
The Internet needs more deep thinking like this older post from Epic Jeff (who has some great thinking mans content) - it's about how the UFOs could be from THE PAST - and all kinds of speculations too. What I especially love and belief is possible just as he suggests - is that WAY back in the past on Earth there could have been an advanced civilization or two.... seriously. And that THEY launched universal journeys and return to find that time dilation .... well... you get the idea, read it and expand your Mind Too. Jeff's blog is one of the few I feature in the sidebar.
Some REAL Strangeness From 2013
97K Views, 3/1 Positive/Negative Votes
Published on Jan 8, 2013
A series of mysterious booms over Indianapolis around 12:14 am on jan 7th 2013. I say three big ones total. when we heard the first one a few minutes before, i grabbed my phone because of all the sirens. the lights would have been in the northeast direction. I live in 46th & Sherman area. Last boom shook our house so hard it cracked a window. I don't know if these are planes, Missiles or UFOs but my family was terrified
And, this just happened to `break today (9/14)' The Jersey Devil? Was a Squirrel - funny how perception works.
I added this one to the sidebar today:
More Roaming In The Bin Tomorrow Too I Suspect
Since the late 1870's Texans have been reporting UFO sightings in the sky...and as recently as 2008, a wave of UFO reports around Stephenville stirred up international attention in the Lone Star State. In Texas UFO Tales, noted Texas writer-historian Mike Cox and journalist Renee Roderick have selected seventeen stories from among the many hundreds of reports. Ranging from the mysterious to the mirthful, they make these stories come alive for readers. These two talented writers recount more than a hundred years of unexplainable sightings and events. Provable or not, no one can dispute that Texas has had its share of intriguing UFO sightings.

In this fascinating compilation of underground information, Brad Olsen shares years of esoteric research in a clear, intuitive and thorough manner. All the bases are covered in this jam-packed book. We must take a hard look at the harsh reality of our current situation in order to heal our species and our planet. Part One, "Secrets," does just that. The depths of elite secrecy are exposed, from the hidden agendas of shadow governments, to underground bases, criminal conspiracies and more. Following an intuitive flow of information revelation, part two, "Cosmos," explores just how fantastic and weird this reality can be. Included are investigations into ET technology, UFO dynamics, evidence of multidimensional realities, weaponized space and more. Presuming that your brain hasn't yet exploded, part three, "Utopia," continues with solution-based material for our present world predicament. Discussions on clean and free energy, Tesla technology, spiritual science, pineal gland activation and metaphysical wonders leave the reader with an optimistic outlook, assured that we as a human race can overcome any and all obstacles we encounter. This illuminating book is highly recommended for both the neophyte and the veteran. In Truth, Peace and Infinite Love!
By The Way I Just Blogged This Picture At Reddit Strange State UFO (link at top of page)
Its from 12/27/13