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Saturday, August 30, 2014

2000's Classic UFO Videos - Part Three 2010

Once again, I continue a look into the past - as pages of UFO links are about to go up in smoke as implodes (absorbed by Hub Pages)...... we all benefit as it is time for a review IMO. I hope you have enjoyed parts one and two - feel free to show your appreciation by checking out my Kindle Author Page. You can also click on `affiliate' links on this page you have an interest in - and god forbid - purchasing something perhaps or taking an action. Things like Buying Your First Bit Of Bitcoin from the most solid source of Bitcoin (Coinbase) for your first Bitcoin wallet. (You can buy 0.01 - for about 5 bucks BTW. My wallet is now 0.085 as I dip my toes in.)
Highlights Of UFOlogy 2010

A Look At 2010
way deeper than you'd expect from this type of posting
2010= the `alternative' gains speed

2010 represented a further slip into the bizarre on the lead-up to 2012 for the MSM - as folks like Stan Romanek appeared on national TV with photo's etc of `aliens peeping' into his home - eventually the video was offered up too. SR took the whole gig further by revealing `equations' out of dreams he was having (later totally debunked I believe - here by the blogging of Joe Capp) - Even Hypnotic Regression Was Involved
As we all know, the bubble burst on these 2012'ers and their aliens and disclosure.

Someone also was able to pony together, again quite thoughtfully, 65 Reasons Why There Would Not Be UFO Disclosure. So, A to Z, or 65 reasons - and you have a good portion of UFOlogy thinking. Seriously.
2010 Was No Stranger To The On-Going `Proofs' of Aliens Being Provided As Food For Thought
corpses described as `little humans'
More Roswell Proof
more about the metal research connection
One of the more amazing UFO videos of 2010 was found on - supposedly from Japan:
Lon Strickler Offered Some Possible Ideas About This Video Too
================= Meanwhile Lon Also Looked Into The Possibility That Faces Could Also Be Part Of The Orb Phenomena
I hope you enjoyed this brief three post/day visit to that exciting pre-UFO Disclosure period where it seemed the MSM would do anything. Obviously, the powers that be felt that it was necessary to put the clamps on - hence the UFO Disclosure of late 2011. The Disclosure Of The Denial Of ANY Alien Contact On Earth By Humans.
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Friday, August 29, 2014

2000's Classic UFO Videos - Part Two 2009

The Great Squidoo Clearout

One of the strangest of phenomena that UDCC has uncovered via MUFON reports and other sources is the `hanging jetliner' phenomena (something my wife saw within 5 miles of our home too @2010) - the report below was submitted with a picture and happened near Huntsville Alabama (remember that Huntsville has part of the NASA program too): Both the picture, an excerpt of the story, and the report link are below:
1-9-09 (9AM)
Eyewitness Photo
Yesterday morning at around 9:00 AM when I was driving to Huntsville, I saw a stationary 747 or 737 passenger plane parked in the sky about 100 feet above a field just to the right side of the road. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me at first because the car was in motion and I was definitely driving towards the nose of the plane, but as I got closer I realized that it was truly just sitting there parked in the sky...
 The exact location of the craft was approximately ½ mile north of the Toyota plant in Huntsville on Pulaski Pike Rd. I don’t know why it chose this location because there is only a field full of llamas, alpacas, some donkeys, horses and cows...Back in 2000 when we lived in Texas, the whole family (kids, me, hubby) saw the exact same thing! A large passenger plane parked in the sky, about the size of a 737 or 747, and it too was parked so low you could see every detail of its wings, engines, windows, paint job.
The one today was painted with a silver-grey bottom and orange on the sides (like a Northwestern Airlines plane). It had no “underbelly” rocket boosters or anything. There was no way in the physical world it could have been hovering because passenger planes that are made to stay in flight while moving simply drop to the ground if they are motionless.
About 30 seconds after I parked the car, it started to go away (I guess the occupants saw me?). It went slow for about 5 seconds then Whoosh!, disappeared going in an upwards northeasterly direction very fast. Also, the sphere that was dancing around everywhere disappeared. The weather for the sighting was perfect, 100% clear sky, no clouds anywhere. 9:00 AM, broad daylight.
Carolyn Z.
Original Link To Story

Seriously, can a report be stranger, read stranger? Not only does the photo in NO way match the daytime perception - (like many many UFO reports) - this has happened to this person BEFORE!
In early 2009, Travis Walton Was Interviewed About His Alien Abduction

BTW, I knew a person who lived in Snowflake at the same time as this occurred - swears by the character of Walton.
This report contains several of the emerging motifs about the UFO experience in the 2000's (2009) and one is that the phenomena of Orbs is able to `transform' or morph into other shapes or objects - like triangle craft, from simply orbs - (or provide the perception of) especially when it gets closer in proximity to the individual. They somehow take on consciousness types of images.

Now these orbs in this report did not transform into a visual craft for these two men - but they did morph into multiple orbs and make formations - and,  did have the effect of disrupting their vehicle ATV much like the old time lore about UFOs. Also, another common phenomena is  = the pictures NEVER look like the description. Indeed, what's of additional interest is that these photos emerged to look like the `sky symbols' of the Stephenville Texas video of 2008. (one of the recent mental impressions out there for humans to consider for the UFO phenomena in 2009 - even unconsciously?).
Here's a sample Picture reminiscent of Stephenville and one of three submitted with the report.
There was some great investigative `Roswell' UFO research being done in 2008-09, as the lead-up to what was hoped would be UFO disclosure -  this was some of it.

Some look for `UFO's' under the oceans, or in the skies, - but, some shift their examination to the realms of near outer space - and very occasionally a MUST SEE `in our atmosphere' video is submitted by those folks. In 2009, this video emerged of an UFO `moving' in deep space to avoid an asteroid going past at that moment. - link and video below. Some may consider this truly PROOF - or, as the link suggests, could it be a bug moving on the telescope at the perfect moment? Or, a hoax of course.

In June 2009 came one of the few close-up daytime `Triangle' craft (more like a wedge) photos from Greenville SC - Link To All Four Pictures And Story Of Photos and one photo below:

More From 2009
with a trippy `explanation' offered in the comments that says don't believe your eyes.
to those connecting the dots in 2009, the Vatican was getting in line for disclosure with statements like this
In 2009, Dean Clark was still calling UFOs into the skies... I did correspond with Dean too BTW.... Dean Clark Video Link.
Now, Dean Clark Was Not the Only One Projecting Orb/UFOs into existence in 2009 - either in the sky or ONTO photographs like Robbert van den Broeke:
And, finally, a background piece that ties nearly all of this together and even involves Dr. Greer.
How About Coverage On CNN For A Similar Video And Pictures To The Phoenix Lights?
Indeed, in 2009, the aliens seemed poised to break into our dimension at any time - beckoned or not. Here Lon Stricker conducts a long investigation with one person - and comes away perhaps with the power of belief:
Indeed, `aliens' were in focus in 2009 also because Robert Bigebow - the unmentionable name by the MSM in UFO politics - funded MUFON investigators for `special cases' - most of which involved entities on the ground. Here's some background about the first 19 Cases Involving The Rapid Strike Team To Get MUFON To Investigations In A Timely Manner.

(as an aside, the survey below from NIDS - Roper, in 2005)
(more at the link above)
When asked what they thought UFOs were:
25% thought they were alien spaceships
19% said UFOs are normal events that are misinterpreted by witnesses
12% thought they were secret government programs
9% said hallucinations
7% said travelers from other dimensions
(the above info on another `2012' UFO blog - meaning that ended in 2012 when the aliens didnt show up)
Pretty good overview of 2009 in UFOlogy, right? - I've still got part three up my sleaves (to tidy up a bit too) - and perhaps that too will be part of Labor Day Weekend - stay tuned.
Oh, the book that won me my Author Award from Freebooksy.Com is, well..... FREE Today - it's called `Beyond The Great Beyond' - hey, IF you download this FREE (usually 2.99 and rarely put into free mode) please write a review.... appreciated.
Thanks for your readership - Take a look around for more to click.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

2000's Classic UFO Videos - Part One 2008

Squidoo is closing and a huge amount of great UFO links is about to go to the great gig in the sky... but, a few are going to be rescued.... like the classic TV UFO clip below - San Diego 1-1-2008, just after midnight... one of the very best....

(2009 Highlights Tomorrow)

And, this report that is the conclusion of MUFON of the 2008 Stephenville Texas UFO
and, within 10 minutes of on ground report of object one mile wide by one half mile in size
And, then - one of the most amazing MUFON cases of all time - that of Dean Clark in September 2008, Calling UFO/Orbs Into the skies above his Kentucky property. Ultimately called `spiritual entities'
Daytime UFO/Orbs Appear Over Obama Rally/Springsteen Concert
It was events like this one, not the first, that lead me to predict that Obama's Inauguration Would Have UFO/Orbs - covered by a channel of AOL (see link in sidebar)
December 2008
an elaborate weave of truth and tales
My Kindle Books Include The Book Below
2008 was an amazing year, what will the highlights of 2009 hold? Be here this weekend.

Monday, August 25, 2014

UFOlogy Crapology? - Pedaling Improbable `Classic' UFO Stories

Much like the last time I looked into a `classic' UFO case - once again - I find more than ample reason to be embarrassed for those that seek sound information about UFOs. This one was sent to me by Ken Pfeifer... who was simply following the lead of others who had recently re-revived the old-time UFO tale that even involved Nazi's and loves of Hitler .... (yes, this is how shameless the tale is)..... anyway, let me begin with Ken's offering to me:
Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2014 9:46:58 PM




"A multicolored ball or globe-shaped UFO was seen to fall in a field (or near a field) belonging to Eva Braun’s parents (this was the future mistress of Adolph Hitler) The area was cordoned off by SS-troops from the town of Jelenia Gora (called Hirschberg at the time)."  "The crashed disk was transported to the Hirschberg SS base and kept under very strong guard and super top security. The disk was 7.6 meter in diameter and 3.8 meters high. It consisted of a large “overwhelming” dome, encircled by a narrow outer rim, and smaller flat dome on the bottom with a flat lower section. The top of the dome was also flat and large. The craft had 6 oval-shaped structures resembling portholes but not transparent, or devices that radiated some type of light, located near the base of the upper dome. On the lower surface of the outer rim the craft had 12 lights. The color of the disk was a dull metal gray. There was an insignia on the dome resembling the letter “T” with 2 props on its sides. The entrance into the disk was found on the top of the upper dome. The general shape of the disk resembled that of a German soldier’s helmet with a small protrusion on the bottom."  "Inside the circular cabin were 3 small seats, there were control panels around the dome and 3 alien beings were found: one was dead, the other two were alive. One of the live aliens died soon after the crash, and the second live alien remained in custody for about 1.5 months and then died. The aliens were small dwarfs, about 0.9-1.0m in height, with large hairless pear-shaped heads, small dystrophic looking bodies, long narrow hands with 4 fingers, grayish skin and large dark slanted eyes."  "The Germans were afraid to move the disk to a more distant location, out of apprehension that it might explode during a long trip during transportation. So, a research laboratory had to be constructed nearby. From Hirschberg the disk was removed to a more secured underground location, which most likely, was called “Der Riese” a Nazi complex in the nearby Gory Sowie mountains (now in southwest Poland), which was also a site being used for excavating for uranium ore. This complex had an extensive network of underground hangars, connected by tunnels. The bodies of the occupants and the living extraterrestrial were also moved into this complex. The alien that lived for a little bit over a month apparently supplied the Germans with some type of information and was desperately asking the Nazi medical doctors for help, but they could not help him because of the different biological structure of his body. The alien died from an unknown illness." 

"The origin of the crashed craft was apparently the double star system RA known on earth as 78 mu-1, Cygni, 73.1 light years in distance. Among the information given to the Germans by the surviving alien was that they had built underground bases in the polar region of the Canadian Northern Territories maybe Baffin Island. This data was supplied to Adolph Hitler himself. But no substantial technical data was in fact provided by the alien that could had help Nazi scientists to cope with the alien technology, despite their desperate attempt to obtain such data. The surviving alien also informed the Germans that the crashed was caused by some kind of technical malfunction. The alien was kept and interrogated at the same underground installation as the disk."  "Adolph Hitler and some other top Nazi figures including Werner Von Braun and Air Marshall Hermann Goring inspected the crashed disk, the alien bodies and consulted Nazi scientists in an attempt to use the object as a super secret weapon. Among those scientist involved in investigating the crashed disc were, Max Von Laue, Otto Hahn (who discovered nuclear fusion) and Werner Heisenberg. Fortunately (and unfortunately for the Nazis) the alien technology was extremely sophisticated and difficult to understand. The disc indeed inspired some Nazi scientists to construct different models of disc-shaped planes and the so-called flying bombs."  "This crash and possession of the extraterrestrial spacecraft was one of the factors that possibly inspired Hitler with extreme self-confidence to start World War II, hoping to use the craft as a sort of super weapon that would eventually help him conquer the world. Because of the approaching Soviet troops the whole underground complex was blown up, and the disk and the alien bodies was buried in one of the underground tunnels, the entrance was sealed with numerous huge rocks. It is apparently still there, unbeknownst to the Polish Government. The disk apparently still emanates radiation from its power plant, but because of the nearby uranium mines this source of radiation remains undetected." 






But, in my mind, whistles were heard going off immediately with the mention of Hitlers love interest .... while I believe in co-incidence, I also believe in fluffing up a story for interest and what I've found in these old time stories is a flair for the fluffing. Anyway the whole story simply seemed too new for me and so it set me to the internet to see just where the words above might have originated on the internet.

What I think I've found is the original coverage and DE-bunking of the story you read IN 1998 - and the STORY emerged from a UK UFO magazine at the time. I found that out with this sourcing - 1998 UFO Magazine Article

The whole story seems to be weird:
The town Czernica is in Silesia which was a part of Germany until 1945. If an UFO crashed there in 1938, it was a German town. So the story of Germans seizing the crash site after the invasion is wrong. The authors writing about Haunebus never mentioned the Czernica crash.
The other story about the Czernica crash gives the date 1937 and tells about German occupation. The occupation of Poland started 1939. Even if the Czernica crash took place in a Polish town the date is wrong. The family of Eva Braun was living in Munich for generations. Eva Braun´s father was a teacher for joinery. It is very unlikely and nowhere documented that he owned land far away in Silesia.
UFO MAG Nazi Nonsense?
Tim Matthews
October 22, 1998
Yes, the new ‘UFO Magazine’ ( UK ) is on the stands (hidden at the back where sensible people will be able to avoid it).
One article – UFO crash at Czernia – is a hilarious brand of Nazi pseudo history, factual inaccuracy and a desperate attempt to shore up the ‘ET recovered’ technology myth. Graham Birdsall seems to have completely lost his sense of objectivity This kind of thing serves only those who wish to distort the truth about flying disc technologies. All I can say is that I hope the spooks pay well for such marvellous disinformation..
The story has it that a UFO ‘crashed’ in Poland on land owned by Eva Braun’s parents no less……………in 1937. So far so bad but what else? It was recovered – not by the Polish cavalry, at this stage still on horseback, but by a detachment of Waffen SS troops! 18 months before Gleiwitz and the subsequent invasion of Poland by Hitler’s troops!
In Poland the ‘recovered UFO’ taken by (non-existent SS troops) was no doubt back engineered and converted by means unknown into a flying disc. All this in three years and Rudolf Schriever must have lied when he claimed to have adapted his VTOL disc idea from those of William Horton Zimmerman in the USA. Even more unusually, he employed jet engines which, although in their infancy were no match for alien hardware no doubt deciphered via telepathy.
ET and Hitler link up? Only in your wildest dreams people. The author of this terrible article – a disgrace to Ufology in fact – then finishes off the piece with a load of old (very old and very sad) crap about “Vril”, “Haunebu” discs etc. etc. As I pointed out the “V” designation relates to “Versuchs” – the German word for experimental.
This Nazi/occult stuff is the fall back position for those unhappy and/or unconvinced by the ever-so-shaky
Roswellcase. It is desperate stuff totally lacking in any evidence and entirely without a factual basis. But idiots will believe it and idiots will buy it. Sales of Peter Moons’ ridiculous ‘Black Sun’ Nazi/occult/Mountauk right-wing propaganda may even be encouraged as a result. This nonsense will not deter us from seeking both truth and reality.
~Tim Matthews
October 22, 1998
PS: I note an even bigger mistake in the ‘Czernia’ article featured in UFO Magazine (UK). The Waffen SS was not even formed until 2nd March 1940. So what was it doing in Poland three years before? Time travel? A quick check on the Internet was all it took to find this out……
Now, I'm hardly the Nazi expert and can't personally confirm the rebuttal points above... but, I'm a betting man and I bet they are more accurate than the original account.... other simple questions come to mind ... like NO PHOTOS? ETC.

But, Ken P was hardly alone in using the well trodden piece of folklore... a simple search of some words from the article found 164 Results - Over The Last 16 Years ... indeed used MULTIPLE times by various websites. Including Lon's Phantom and Monsters.
Others include
IMO, there's enough distortion of UFO info from those that wish to minimize it... let alone feed the fire of finger pointers on old unconfirmed UFO tales.
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Sunday, August 24, 2014

UFO Over Lakewood Ohio? - Black Blob In Daytime Sky Video

It's from the MUFON reports - here's the report:
I was returning to work when I spotted so strange, slow moving object in the sky. I pulled out my camera and shot video. There was movement on the object, but no light or exhaust. Silent.
The Video
still downloads quickly with broadband
This one blob looks a bit more `solar balloon' than many of these anomalous daytime objects.
Since I posted here last a few days ago - I've blogged at Reddit on
please, check it out!
Speaking of blogging on Reddit (subreddits or r/) I was contacted by another UFO blogger and by chance he also runs a Subreddit like me - this is his (I think he has stepped away from moderating this as some links are pure goofy crap) Subreddit - Called Alien UFO Research. He's a person named Jeff who notified me about a bad link in my sidebar `' - which is appreciated always. He sent me his website to replace that link - called, you guessed it - Alien UFO Research - a quite highly ranked, only occasionally updated, (I think it's orientation was the 2012 gig) - but, worth a gander IMO. .... It's edgy moreso than UDCC especially in being convinced of the aliens on the ground situation.....
An example of the edgier stuff

(I think I've Ran This Before BTW)

Bottomline? Person with interest in UFOs trying to figure the phenomena out - seeking proof in the outer edges of submissions. Oh, I've offered to interview this guy on my radio podcast The Heavy Stuff - no response.
every single book I have is in Kindle Select
Nick Redfern's Latest

Thursday, August 21, 2014

1950's Pilots Talk About UFO Encounter

Working up a real wordy post about the Fermi Paradox, about a half way through it I think.... soon, perhaps this weekend. In the meantime let's take a look at yesteryear once more. Pilots, in those oh so honest 1950's - when there was still honor in truth.

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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

More On The NEW Chemtrail Plane Design - The Triangle

So a bit more background on Sunday's posted Video of the New Triangle Chemtrail plane being leaked out in middle America for all to see....drippppp dripppp. Anyway.. here's an analysis of the `jet' and the comments are truly keepers.... including the OP talking about the MSM `error' in even giving accurate information about the date of the occurrence ..... evidently, if you say it happened months ago rather than `just the other day' it makes it more murky.... anyway... here's the important link to read New Triangle Chemtrail Plane.... look for it in the sky near you.
Here's some real UFO blogging for you.... got contacted at my Texas UFO blog by what appears to be another Texas Orb Caller - this one preferring to work with what I'll call `close up' orbs. Has a whole YouTube channel filled with these so-called orbs (aliens often claimed BTW) - Over 100 Videos right here many with fewer than 100 views. Her/his(?) YT channel is called Starcrazzy1. 
Whereas her still active blogspot blog - which also features YT videos of a wider array - (and is entertaining for the alternative crowd) - is called Star Crazy About The Moon
The video below, since 2012 with 500+ views, is an example of the active use of imagination for aliens but also is an example of producing an orb effect in extremely local conditions.
Like many of these `2012' websites - lots of DEAD links in the sidebars as a tribute to those exciting 
times for callers who believed the bunk. Indeed, it seems like this caller is trying to figure it all out again... placing lots of faith in religion.
Now, also of interest is that on Star Crazzy's blog, ANOTHER orb caller is revealed - called on YouTube Orbstats - this woman (in Connecticut?)  also has scads of Orb videos..... positioned, appropriately IMO as living orb ships, ..... hmmm.
Now, that said, the use of imagination by these limited folks who seem to be in visual demonstration contact with these beinglike orbs, is EXTRA interesting.... like this flipped out account of Pterodactyl Blue ETs
Whereas in this latest Orb video upload in late May 2014, with under 100 views, is some very compelling close up ORB video IMO.
Orbstat has a very interesting array of Orb videos and `Orb Fleet' videos (about a dozen of these) - some are singular orbs, some multiple and some structured (with a few `alien' imagination ones perhaps thrown in, orbs with faces etc). But, overall simply orbs..... IMO... and like most 2012 callers... it seems the ability is slowing down.
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Friday, August 15, 2014

Once Again, UFOlogy Is Dead?

I have a trail for you to follow.... Jack Brewer of The UFO Trail (link in sidebar) is one of the Twitter accountsBrewers Account I follow... and through that I became aware of a piece written by Micah Hanks about how Serious UFO Research Is/Goes Underground - which itself is a post inspired by an article in NEW York Magazine (a great MSM source to point to and cover BTW for coverage back) that covers a recent MUFON conference in Pennsylvania (End Of UFOs). 

Are you still with me? 

So, anyway, Micah goes on to build the case why it isn't the end of UFO's.... I guess; going on to site even Bigelow at one point and some nebulous `underground' UFO researchers who may be onto something who are never really named (lest for a cool study about Luminous Sky Phenomena near earthquake lines - Here) - indeed, the few Orb studies are quite interesting.

All that said, somehow - both Micah and The NewYorker magazine missed `the UFO Gathering Sites', which changed the way people see UFOs IMO,  `The USA Disclosure In 2011' which intimidated our so called free press,  and the seeming evolution of the Orb phenomena perhaps `Orb Calling', structured Orbs, Multiple Orbs,  etc........ too underground perhaps? Too, UN New York Magazine too mention?

So, in summary... a respected publication New Yorker - is covered by someone interested in attention from the New Yorker.... about a fantasy that UFOs have somehow vanished from the world. Amazing.
My Author Page Above

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

`Funniest Thing.... We Didn't Talk About It'

I found a very rare good oldtime report flush with pictures .... and a few twists of course. First, it's from an incident in either 1997 (Aug) (stated on MUFON Page) or 1995 a `proof' article from the newspaper. Minor I know. Here's the MUFON report of the `UFO' seen in Bloomington California:
red is my emphasis
Me and my brother were sitting in the backyard relaxing around 11-12 at night on a hot night when we noticed a glowing object hovering for about 10-15 min. seemed very odd it did not move, so we went inside to wake up my mom to see what she thought, we stared at it for about another 5-7 min and she went in to wake up my dad, he came out and said what are you guys doing and we told him look at that hovering light by this time it was almost 20-25 min., He said it's not a helicopter or obviously a plane so he went inside to get the camera and started pictures and that's when it started moving flying in different patterns unlike anything any of us had seen, it flew straight up really high and 2 other objects dropped out of it make trails of light like nothing else, they flew around maybe a couple minutes more then all flew off in an instant, we have very good pictures of the objects, I went inside to try and call the Air force but they just gave me the run around from one line to the next, it even came out in the paper, but the really strange thing was at breakfast the next day no one said a word about what we saw and didn't remember till we developed some Christmas pictures in January, I tried telling several papers my story but no one wanted to listen or hear it, the pictures have now been packed away for over 10 years and since re finding them would like someone to see them, thanks Henry
Pictures submitted to MUFON:
And, pictures of the objects
A pretty interesting `UFO' experience with many of the `ringer attributes' such as the super strangeness of NOT recounting an experience (or even forgetting it) - the AF runaround - the mixed up dates (perhaps) - the stationary object that takes off, etc etc,
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I added this link today to the sidebar... it's about why time travel is impossible Thinking About Time And Space and I featured it Here with these words:
As you can imagine -- this is a very heavy link. It is with this TOP LEVEL HEAVY link that will enable you for ONCE and for all to understand WHY time-travel is impossible as described in the movies. Indeed; this link goes way way beyond that -- this link tells what is going on at the cellular level of humans --- how every electron we have is replaced over time by other electrons. How cells are made perhaps of the smoke of your uncles pipe from 2 years ago. THAT is how weird `life' is at the time-space level of cells. YOU must read this so that your mind can be clear on WHAT YOU yourself IS.

Another way of thinking of this link is that `we' are moving on a planet, that is moving (revolving) and moving in space, that space is moving is a direction of space, ETC. Time travel is MUCH more complex than setting a clock and being `there'. Again, you must read this 10 minute head banger.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

UFOs 2014

I've been busy posting over at Reddit.Com - specifically at r/strangestateufo - please make sure to bookmark that and to use it when you don't see new content here.... what I've posted there since here is below... well, a sampling of what I've posted.


Saturday, August 9, 2014

Chemtrail Video Capture - One Plane YES, One Plane NO

As Clockers know, the pushback on Chemtrails in our MSM is near Zero.. so, here's a capture you won't see there. What ARE these `planes'? (My bottom-line assumption is that they were begun with/for weather modification in some manner - took some time for effect now being seen - happens as a side consequence to lower our collective smog alerts - can be seen in the change especially in the eastern seaboard and eastern half of America,..... IMO.)
12k Views, 24/1 positive to negative rating
Original Sourcer For MUFON
From MUFON's Official Channel On YouTube
`Buildings On Mars'

One has to wonder the `why' of this video on MUFON - is this representative of their thought? Buildings on Mars.... now that said, the proximity of some of the obvious right angle objects is interesting.
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How about ONE more? Megadeath Drummer (Nick Menza) - yes, that MegaDeath, films 4 Orb UFO event (july 2014)
And, the Video

In the comments at YT one would believe that this is NOT a publicity stunt. It is an amazing video IMO, either, again - fantastic RC show or WTH is going on with ORBS? All this is quite over the top IMO.

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