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Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Retreads is the word that came into my mind on this one - as the HP (Huffington Post) trots out a 2 year old `tube' `UFO' seemingly confused (about date and time of event - which is clearly shown on the video - he did upload a 3 separate versions of the same a year later if that is confusing) about the upload date and more Huffington Post Piece .... caused by probably a misprint in another retread of the same video by UFO Sightings Daily which does nothing content wise but upload the `about' of the video that CLEARLY says it's from 2011 also. Yes, a mis-print causes that kind of `commentary' in the UFOlogy of the MSM.

And, indeed, because of my break - I was also able to pick up this new comment with the video that said it was more than explained:
yes the local astronomical society where havin a party and some members got a little tipsy, releasing this into the sky where it was stretch by atmospheric conditions into the shape seen. John Hawthorn of the Hillsborough star gazing society took full credit for this event and even detailed the drinks they had consumed by the Oz, which led to this happening.

Now, that said - I could NOT find any Hillsborough Star Gazing society either. Makes ya wanna take a bath don't ya think?  32,000 views, 2 years, 50-1 positive to negative votes
What the `other' UFO sights don't tell you (or evidently do) is to check the YouTube account of the uploader seen Here which DOES include at least one other `anomalous' video (of the Sky Noise Phenomena) - so the interest/awareness level is indeed present in this uploader.

So, what is it? Looks a bit like the Virgie Tube in a way and indeed, like balloons perhaps too. The `lighting' is unusual or simple reflections...... take your pick.
UFOlogy Worthy
in the bin and next up
Oh, my website is being bombarded with crappola that shows up in my google dashboard as `visits' but is really not even human. I assume I am being bombarded due to the content of my website and ideas. Literally tying my site up. ...............You will be finding this website more and more in a `private mode' for reading. You can be put onto that private listing - look for the link in the sidebar. You will still need to accept the invitation to this blog to be able to get in.
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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Is It Possible To Find Out If These Are Real?

The above innocent quote is from one of the latest MUFON reports in which a person sends in a picture of an Orb - and simple wants to know, WTH? ........... Welcome to UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock. Yeah, real UFO blogging has re-started and is again available on your computer right here. Did you miss it?
Vancouver BC - Orb Photo - Full Description Via MUFON
In a nutshell, this 7-25 photo is one of the ever present `I didn't notice it at the time -variety'. ........... Could the `Orb' be anything at all from a glitch in the camera onward.... of course it could,..... it could also be another example of the Orb balls that are seemingly more commonplace.

Here's The Link To A MUCH Larger Original
And Here Is Another Photo Taken With The Camera Of A Bit Of Strangeness - Perhaps.
The Orb Phenomena, increasing? Or, simply the explosive growth in camera abilities?
(Search Orb Calling in the labels if you really want a jolt to your senses. Oh, the answer to if these are real --- is --- think temporal reality.)
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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

All About The Black Triangle Phenomena

So, I'm simply going into the bin before going away and leaving you with some good reading material. Today's post is about The Black Triangles occasionally seen as part of a UFO experience and the VERY occasional reports of such craft that are not individual sightings.
There are some priceless quotes in this `analysis' and some great back links to check - including the NIDS report (where they said they are ours).
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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Eligael Gedalyovich

I'm not sure if you recognize or remember his name anymore as `Important' in UFO terms is mighty short term - but - Eligael Gedalyovich was the person who was most involved with the `Jerusalem Orb' video in 2011 - the LAST time the MSM showed ANY real interest in the UFO phenomenon - and prior to the `suppression through disclosure' move of the USA government in late 2011.

Last year, in early 2012 he re-surfaced with some new internet presence -- and I was there tracking it in this post on 1/10/12. As an update, I have been in contact with EG this year via a weird `happening' on the internet - LinkedIn To be exact - as somehow a relative of his showed up looking to make contact with my profile. (Those E-Mail connections can get pretty weird.) And, EG and I will be collaborating later in 2013 about the 2011 event in a new E-Book. Stay Tuned.
Taking A Short Break From Fresh Blogging
Enjoy This Re-post Above
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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Bedtime `Alien' Abductions - Lucid Dreams? Or, Just A `Bit Further'?

To the degree that it is possible, I avoid the `consciousness' issues that arise for individuals who perceive the anomalous of the world phenomena surrounding us all. But, as regular readers also know, my feeling is that a lot to most of all anomalous phenomena may be occurring within a special consensus of space or perception of such. What I refer to as the ontological side of things - actualization's and such. 

Now all of this above talk arises because someone yesterday purchased the `lucid dream machine' technology that I have available via Amazon in the UDCC sidebar. The person also purchased two `lucid dream' books -- my sincere thanks to you for your purchases off this blog and - my best wishes for you to be very successful in your quest for the lucid dreaming experience. (I've experienced controlled lucid dreaming about 7-8 times when I was actively pursuing such mental endeavors. I can say that without question that the ontological landscape that is available for perception is of a nature unlike our ordinary spatial-phenomena. A very compelling landscape.)
The Product

Product Description

The REM-Dreamer uses infrared sensors to detect when you are in REM (dreaming) sleep. At that point the REM-Dreamer gives you sound and light cues (beeps and flashing lights) to remind you that you are dreaming, unlike the old Novadreamer. Thus, external world stimuli are transferred to the world of your dreams, and it becomes easy to achieve lucidity. The REM-Dreamer kit comes with a very comfortable sleeping mask with a small printed circuit board tucked inside that detects REM sleep, giving cues in the form of flashes or beeps. The kit also includes an LCD display device, which allows the user to adjust all settings very easily. The user can use any of several simple presets, or can customize the number of sounds and light flashes, their volume and brilliance, frequency per second, and duration. In addition, the REM sensor can be set to accurately track your personal REM eyeball movement. The device comes with the 36-page user's manual. The REM-Dreamer has given many people the opportunity to experience lucid dreaming, and the opportunity to use this natural state of consciousness to program their subconscious, influence their behavior, explore the world of the mind, and work with habits of body and mind, depending on their own needs and desires. The REM-Dreamer consists of a circuit board tucked inside the mask and an LCD display. There are two lines in the LCD. The upper line shows the menu entry (for instance: 1. Delay time), while the lower line shows the value of the parameter of the menu entry (for instance: 00:10:00 of the delay time).
It's an impressive technology with a specific consciousness objective - what's not to like. 
Except, perhaps, the world it connects to?
Are `alien abductions' the ones reported out of someones bed after going to sleep - connected to the realm of lucid dreaming?
First, I'd make a strong suggestion that there is a quantitative AND qualitative difference between even lucid dreaming and controlled lucid dreaming - as great as the difference between regular dreaming and lucid dreaming - and as great as NO DREAMING vs regular dreaming. 

AND - that the `jump' to `alien abduction' would be as great a difference - perhaps - `above/beyond/under' the controlled lucid dreaming state. I am also of the opinion, which is all anyone can say about such matters - that the state I'm describing is similar to IF NOT IDENTICAL to - the `mutual hypnosis states' that Dr. Charles Tart used in the late 1960's - to induce - mutually available landscapes for multiple people to perceive and experience as local and now - at least for a portion of their `space as a human'. (Which I maintain is larger than the normal consciousness we see and experience constantly - but - is also `represented' by the consciousness that we see and experience.)
Books By Dr. Charles Tart
evidently his first two books are out of print and out of availability 
(two of my bedrock books I read in the early 70's - SOC is available for about 16 bucks, a steal)
Now as someone who has experienced `missing time', with others, in a seamless experience in normal reality - I am not willing to make any final judgments on what is going on within some special state of consensus that others indicate experiencing - such as an alien abduction experience within some contained reality state of being. The real question is - is that a contiguous space with our normal reality or is it indeed using `our other space' - what I call our `able-to-not-be' space of which we are always part of being too. IMO.

The `part' of our space - that perhaps is `where our doppelganger is'. A `space' that is nearly always in our own `super present' except - when we sleep or alter on purpose our consciousness level (state of being). (Through meditation, drugs,  or other means - even technological means IMO.)

Because, what folks seem to suggest when they experience this night-time alien abduction, is that it is THEY who are being transported to the other location. (Almost without exception in a catatonic state of being - just a space being transported - that has awareness as being that space.) 

Or could there be a dream doppelganger and a `real doppleganger? LOL.
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Saturday, July 20, 2013

Remarkable Craft Description - Jamestown Tennessee - 7/26 - Latest MUFON Reports

Welcome to the weekend edition of UDCC........ Today we begin with what UDCC loves - articulate descriptions of the anomalous perceptions that are ripe within our world point of view. In today's amazing UFO description, found in the latest 20 MUFON reports, you will read of seeing `inside' the craft - and possible perceptions that the 1/2 hour event (not their first UFO event either) might be a hologram. Read and decide how you would interpret this event:
Jamestown Tenn - UFO

I sleep out on my sunroom at treetop level. I was going to bed when I noticed bright lights reflecting on the floor. I looked out the windows toward the west and saw an object hovering. I could not tell how far away or how large due to tree -leaf interference but it appeared to be quite close and large. No sounds were heard. The top surface appeared flat with the section below having what appeared to be compartments, or partitions rather than "windows". There was a dark, dense level beneath these, with another level of compartments, or partitions beneath the dark dense level. Then below the second level of compartments was what appeared to be a flat surface. So it was not round. It had depth, width, and height. The compartments were large and black. What lit up and blinked randomly was the surface around the compartments. The colors were consistently white, yellow, blue, red, and green. I could see the reflection of the light emanating from it reflected on the trees and leaves around it. Some light from it reflected even into the sunroom. I could determine no pattern to the blinking changing colors. It remained stationary - not wavering or wobbling or shifting at all. There were times when I studied it with a monocular and could see quite clearly. I saw no movement within the craft. There were times I wondered if I might be witnessing a hologram. While observing this object, I noticed brightening light reflecting in a different area of the floor of the sunroom. I had to bend forward from my chair to see the source. When I looked through the treetops I thought it was the moon, although I wasnt sure. ( Im not sure what phase the moon is currently in in this area.) I returned my attention to the other object. After a short time, I noticed the light on the floor getting brighter from the "moon", so I turned to look and didnt even have to bend forward in the chair before I saw what was obviously NOT the moon! This object was a bright, gold orb. It grew larger and brighter. As I watched it, it either became smaller or moved very quickly far away. Then it became one gold light with a smaller gold light to the right with a gold "bar" shape forming beneath it. I had been witnessing these two objects for, I suppose, about half an hour or more. Nothing about the first object changed. It just hovered and blinked. I felt compelled to simply accept that they were there and that was that. I went to bed. They were still hovering when I retired. These are not the only or first UFOs I have witnessed here.
So, we also have the `bar' phenomena and another golden Orb.
More from Today's Latest MUFON Reports
And, PERHAPS the `spookiest' house hovering Neighborhood UFO report in sometime - Akron Ohio - Last Night (7/19)
It was around 2:00 AM on July, 19 2013. I was asleep when the power in our house went out. My partner came downstairs to grab candles and flashlights when he and I noticed something outside one of our windows. It had three lights all in a row with a yellow/white tint. By the time we had a good look of it, it bolted off to the right, heading down towards Memorial Parkway. We decided to get in my car and follow it. As we were driving down the road, all the street lights were off and debris from street lights were present all over the road. It was pitch dark and was hard to see. Eventually, we had to turn around as three large trees were down, covering the whole road making it impossible to search further. As we turned around we were stopped by a police officer (who was following us down the road). He had no answers but asked if we saw anything. Without sounding too suspicious, my partner said he saw weird lights when the power went out. We drove home and eventually police cars, fire trucks and and power trucks were investigating the area. Ive done some research today looking for more answers or if anyone else witnessed what I saw earlier this morning but I havent found anything.
Power Light Debris? TREES DOWN? WTH?
One would think the above, if true and real, would be the Fortean story of the year lead at the local TV station.
More? You Glutton!
Well, how about another multiple witness, house hovering Neighborhood UFO that was Flesh Colored on 10-10-2000 in California, of course.
An informed blog public is an informed blog public!
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Gonna take about a week off shortly, beginning next Tuesday - may pre-post - but, may not. Back by August regardless.
And Finally
Why Not Check Out My 15 Minute Podcasts About UFO's?
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Friday, July 19, 2013

Edgar Mitchell - Roswell Stories Credible - Bloomberg

So.... in the slow news days of summer (LOL) it seems that the Bloomberg website needed a few extra readers not normally associated with checking their 401-K's. .... You know,..... UFO readers like you............ So, they trotted out 82 year old Edgar Mitchell who IMO - walked back some of the stories he has told previously,............. I think.

In this version of the story - the Roswell folks who mentioned small child sized aliens in coffins - Seemed Credible (but it is still a story - previously he `knew')... and didn't mention seeing an UFO on the moon as I am sure he has in the past. He also trots out the `we were not ready for the alien message in 1947' of not being alone in the universe as the reason for UFO NON-Disclosure then.... and .... the Military Industrial Complex as the reason for UFO NON-Disclosure now --- and SEEMS to tie ALL THAT ----- to the BIG MONEY PROFIT of moving consumers into space eventually.

H..m..m..m.. ------------- Really? The profits? IMO, that is BS. Control and secret black off budgets are much more likely to be the reason IMO. AND THE government CONTROL OF CONSCIOUSNESS ISSUES - something it seems strange that E.Mitchell doesn't grasp or mention. 

But, as always, Clockers can decide for themselves.

Books By Edgar Mitchell
How about a Ken Pfeifer story?



On January 20, Military forces captured two extraterrestrial creatures still alive in Brazil. The capture occurred in neighboring areas of city of Varginha, State of Minas Gerais, Central Brazil. The fact is to be considered one of the most significant ever registered in this country and in the entire world. Military authorities are keeping secret all details of the operation, but some information has already leaked to the UFO community due to the investigative job of Dr., Ubiraja Franco Rodrigues and Vitorio Paccaccini who lives nearby and recognized as serious and dedicated researchers.

On the afternoon of January 20, about 3.30 PM local time, 3 young girls named Liliane, Valquiria and Katia observed a strange creature in a field of small bushes a few blocks from where they live. It was Saturday and they were coming back from their jobs when, crossing an empty area their attention was attracted by a strange being a few meters away. The ET was kneeling and looked like it was hurt, suffering some sort of pain. No UFO was ever seen. The girls observed it for a few minutes and run away, afraid that they had just encountered the devil....

The three girls were extensively interrogated by above mentioned researchers, leaving no doubt whatsoever about what happened. Very simple kids, they described the ET's as being a dark brown creature, with a small body of 4 - 5 feet in height, no hair at all, big brown head, small neck. It also seemed to have some greasy, dark oil on its skin. A strange odor was noticed by the mother of the girls, when she went to the site. The head of the creature had 2 big red eyes, no pupils, very small mouth and nose and - what is interesting - 3 protuberances in the head. The girls described such protuberances as horns. 

Following the leads, researcher Rodrigues and Pacaccini started making inquiries everywhere in the town of Varginha, in order to know if anybody else had seen the same creature. They found several other people who also observed the ET's in the same location and maybe other ET's in different locations. While conducting their own investigations, both discovered that different witnesses has seen army trucks and other military vehicle and personnel that very morning of that day, a few blocks from the place the girls saw the ET's.

In trying to find out what the military were doing, Rodrigues and Pacaccini came to meet a few soldiers and sergeants. One of them decided to talk secretly about their mission, in a confidential taped interview. This Sergeant confirmed that, about 9:00 AM, January 20. the Fire Department of Varginha was required to capture a strange animal in the area. When four fireman arrived in a truck in the place, they noticed that it was not any strange animal at all, and reported the fact to the Army Sergeant School Commander in neighboring city of Tres Coracoes (about 10 miles east of Varginha)

Army truck was sent to the place and both forces captured the creature using nets and equipment regularly used to capture wild animals. The ET was placed till alive in a box that was then covered by resistant fabric. The box was placed on top of the truck, the vehicle headed to the Army Sergeant School and all personnel involved was ordered not to talk about it with anyone else "It was a Secret Operation" told them the lieutenant-colonel Wanderley, who commanded the operation. After such unusual, confidential report a few other military decided to come forward and speak about the captures as long as their identities were totally kept secret. They all confirmed, on taped interviews, that a second creature (possibly the same one seen by the girls that afternoon) was captured on the night of January 20, by personnel from the Army and the Fire Department. Details of such operation is fully known. This creature identical to the first one, was taken to the Regional General Hospital of Varginha that same night, stayed there for a few hours and then was transferred to a better equipped facility, the Humanitas Hospital.

A few nurses and personnel from Regional General Hospital had confirmed some facts and they were all suppressed. Individuals who had contacts with the second creature were advised to avoid press and UFO Researchers and not to talk about it with anyone, not ever their families or relations. AT the Humanities Hospital the second creature was kept at least for 2 days and on the second night on January 22nd a huge military operation took place to remove the creature already dead.

Interviews with some of the military who participated in this new operation, removing the creature from the Humanitas Hospital, declared that 3 Army trucks were used, each one driven by 2 different soldiers. It is believed that 3 trucks were used to remove only one body in order to avoid the soldiers to know in which truck would it be transported. The drivers and their follows couldn't see the details of the operations, as they were kept outside the hospital area. Military personnel from the Army Internal Intelligence (called "S-2" in Brazil and extremely violent and repressive) were responsible for getting the corpse from the interior of the hospital, placing it in a box and then in one of the trucks.

All 3 trucks then were taken to a military facility in Campinas, State of Sao Paulo, about 200 miles from Varginha, in the middle of the night. There, the corpse was removed to the University of Campinas , one of the best institutions in the country. It is believed - and we already have detailed information to be soon released that the ET body was autopsied by Dr. Badan Palhares, worldwide acclaimed as one of the best professionals in that area alive (he was the one who autopsied German Nazi Mengele, about ten years ago) Palhares, as well as any other authority involved, denied he was involved in any such operations.

UFO researchers from all over the country have been helping closely Rodrigues and Pacaccini, in order to discover each and every detail of the capture of the two ET's, Media in Brazil has never been so active and great majority of population believes that the case is real and that the military and civil authorities involved are keeping the facts secret. Many strange facts are happening simultaneously, such as prison of soldiers, Sergeants being transferred at short notice etc. The phones of many UFO researchers involved in the case are confirmed to be tapped and a few threats have been made anonymously. NOTE: The above image is a witness rendering.

Thanks to 
I'm a bit surprised UDCC didn't hear from particular people after the Canary Island Orb Video.... one never knows...

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

2013's OMG - Once A Year - `Orb Video' - Canary Islands 6/29/2013

As `the' UFO blogger who named 2011 the year of the Orbs (year of the Jerusalem Orb video) - picked up by the internet alternative media IO9.Com as you can see - and who was largely the UFO blogger who `broke' the incredible 2012 ` Feather Orb Video of San Antonio (picked up by Coast To Coast) .......................... I proudly present (and am to a large degree breaking) what is IMO (in my opinion) --- THE 2013 ORB VIDEO OF THE YEAR (so far of course).

I found it at one of my previously featured `finds' in UFO blogs - Anything UFO's - which features an honest blogging effort and features just a few worthy videos on occasion (with commentary). But, that site was carrying a `gathering sites' version of the video - and digging a bit deeper - I was able to find the original uploader. (Who thankfully did NOT have a suspicious catalog of suspicious videos.) Indeed, I don't think this dude even knew what he captured or how rare it was.

He has 27 Videos In His YouTube Account - now, the guy is obviously a `head' as he has multiple videos on cultivating peyote..... perhaps that is a `reason' for the Orb showing itself to him?....... He's not positioning himself as a mystic or anything like that - although most of his writings are in Spanish so I may not know that. That said, he describes this amazing video in English as you can see: He also uploaded it the same day as he shot it on JUNE 29th - that 2 minute 57 second version is here - it has about 2,500 views and a 7-1 positive to negative ratio of opinion. 

It makes total sense that he uploaded this version - as he assumed that he had `lost' the `Orb' in the underbrush that he was videoing..... then, evidently, he looked at what he continued to film.... and found that JUST after the end of the original uploading he `thought' he saw it `fly off' (at the 3:00 mark to the 3:03 mark) --- and he then `made' a `version' of those 3 seconds in a 16 second clip that shows something flying off (could easily be an insect as he himself says and indeed you can see lots of insects in the Orb video -- showing the Orb to NOT be insects.) Anyway, that 16 second version of something flying off is Here and only 52 views as of this posting. Clockers can make their own decision of this one -- it indeed could be it `taking off' IMO.

But, that leaves us with the WHOLE video (which is nearly 4 minutes but the uploader tells us that nothing happens after the 3:03 part) - and this version at posting, uploaded the other day, also has under 65 views. Yeah, I gotta knack for these things.....
I will post what the videoer says is the exact location too:

So the reason I bring this version to you - is so that you can see the `exit' of the Orb in real motion/time .......
This object was filmed at a distance less than 150 meters, with a high definition camera. (But I do not have time to use a tripod so it moves a little) :-( Anyway pictures are of great quality and impressive content. This happened in Spain, Canary Islands, Gran Canaria, Santa Brigida, Ravine of the Leaks - 29/06/2013 - 8:00 AM. 
*Interesting parts of the video are:
1º-From 0:00 to 2:35 
2º-From 3:00 to 3:03
Enjoy it.

There are moments in this video when the orb took on the more orange glow of the San Antonio Orb of 2012 where it looked nearly identical IMO. Certainly seems to be the same phenomena IMO.
9 books under 3.00 - UFO books too
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Monday, July 15, 2013

1988 - 70ft, Flying Black RECTANGLE Observed For 20 Minutes During Flight Lesson (Latest MUFON Reports)

Picking up on the idea of evolved `creatures' in the skies perhaps (although a probe is more likely IMO) - is this report of an on-going `Rectangle' in the sky (wingless, etc) - from Today's Latest MUFON reports. It's a compelling articulate account from Tullahoma, Tenneesee:
1988 Flying Rectangle

Before I turned around I noticed we were about a 1/4 mile from it and about 500 feet above it in altitude. It made no sound , no exhaust , no markings , no change in flight. It was an a absorvent type of black. Dull , no reflection at all, which got my attention.
I was flying slightly faster than it was , as I gradualy was catching up with it.
When I turned around the last thing I say was it was over Normandy lake still heading North. I saw a referense close to there were the creek going by the Lake has-or had a horseshoe bend in the creek.
The flight back to the airport was quit except for the Instructor or I asking each other in a puzzling tone, What was that.
After we landed we were securing the plane and again we keep asking the same question . When he was filling in my student pilot log book we talked about it again .
It has been over 25 years since it happened. What was it ? I had no ideal. I still dont. I have told the story over and over for the last 25 years , and yes I still wonder if I would have had 10 more minutes flying to observe it because all things being equal I would have been flying next to it.
It was as big or bigger than a tractor trailier rig , and flying in a horizonal position. It stayed the same path the whole time. It had no wings , rudder , lights , cockpit , engine exhaust from my view point. The sun was bright and there was no clouds in the sky But there was no reflection of any kind at any time.
If I had just flown for another 10 minutes.

One would `think' that something that large, low, and long flying - would certainly have generated other observations. Additionally, isn't it curious that obviously this HASN'T happened since the `portable video' era has begun?
Oh, I updated my `science' blog - stuff like the Re-Discovery Of The Corpse Eating ..... hit the link to find out. 3-4 other cool links to check out too.
just 2.99
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(grapevine Tx - thanks for your recent interaction - yes, I can SEE the cities that follow through thru Google Analytics.)

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Roswell Anniversary Raises Google `UFO' Search To Highest Since Oct. 2010 NYC UFO

But, prior to this 66th anniversary (kind of a weird one to get hyped up about don't you think?) - the `suppression through disclosure' strategy seemed to be working for the governments. Oh well.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Virtual Creatures/Entities/Simulations

To anyone with the slightest bit of curiosity, or perhaps personal experience, it should be obvious that sometimes `events' occur that don't quite seem to add up - and sometimes - that is on a perceptual level that is beyond bewildering (HUGE UFO's Hanging In Neighborhoods - for instance). ...... Something is happening - some structure is happening - in a completely concurrent manner to our reality. (You can throw encounters with Bigfoots, Ghosts and many other `realities' into this mix too.)

Call it what you wish - a virtual reality - an esoteric reality - an imaginary reality - a multi-dimensional reality - a separate reality...................... and on and on. This `backdrop' certainly has the potential to bust into our reality and certainly - may `exist' in some manner within THAT `other' structure STATE... so, with that in mind... and assuming that algorithms are indeed important to our reality states.... UDCC presents:
(20-1 positive to negative ratio of opinion)
This video shows results from a research project involving simulated Darwinian evolutions of virtual block creatures. A population of several hundred creatures is created within a supercomputer, and each creature is tested for their ability to perform a given task, such the ability to swim in a simulated water environment. Those that are most successful survive, and their virtual genes containing coded instructions for their growth, are copied, combined, and mutated to make offspring for a new population. The new creatures are again tested, and some may be improvements on their parents. As this cycle of variation and selection continues, creatures with more and more successful behaviors can emerge.
As Clockers know, a small percentage of anomalous reports involve `shapes' as `objects of the unknown' ..... just sayin.......
I was looking to include this guys analysis of `July 4th UFO Reports' the other day when I covered it - but, I've found it and indeed the guy went to a lot of effort - it's worth your Read (even if it's about 2012's reports).
Real UFO Blogging
Are you up for one more of this `evolved creatures' idea?
So, let's say that in this `virtual realm' that `creature doppelgangers' - ie: `it's similar to an ape and a man' BECOMES `Bigfoot' on rare occasion into our reality - or at least the reality of perception reach. Or, `flying structures' ie: planes, blimps, rockets, etc, --- BECOMES `UFO's of various descriptions. On rare occasions.
Real UFO Blogging
I've picked some items and reads you might enjoy - just click the image to be taken to the amazon page 
(solar powered fan hats and more)


Friday, July 12, 2013

Huge, Silent, Impossible

Today brings yet another UFO account from the latest MUFON reports that is..... huge, silent, and impossible. Nothing new here, right? The dumbfounding nature, of course, of all these `sightings' is - they simply `can't be' - in the normal phenomenological sense. OTHERWISE, that silent huge craft would have been SEEN BY OTHERS TOO in prior locations or post locations. In nearly EVERY CASE that is the situation on these reports - which means IMO - that they have anomalous qualities in some manner. 

As Clockers (regular readers around here) know, I maintain that the actualization process of everything around us has a counter-point as it `runs off' - an `able to not be' if you will - so that the next moment has room to materialize. This able to not be is `everywhere and everywhen' --- including exceedingly rarely --- in the here and now. IMO, there is a literal `world' of perceptions that we normally do not `see' or `encounter' - due to our focus on a different part of the actualization process.

Anyway, .... enough of that - and onward to the MUFON report of the event that happened in Patricia Texas In 2011:
I was working in west Texas for a water hauler company. My night job was filling fracking tanks for energy companies to use to frack formation in drilled wells. I had to stand on top of my truck to monitor the volumne as I unloaded by pump my tanker. I would lose prime on pump if it fell to low. We had a bright light that lit the area up around the tanks being filled. I was on the fartherest row of tanks away from the light station. I had my back to the light in the west. I was facing east and looking up for meteors in th dark sky in front of me and periodicly check the volumne. As I was facing east I notice an object in my right peripheral vision that my mind was saying a flock of birds due to the size. Even as I looked directly at it for an instance my mind finally realized it was a triangle shape vessel. The bottom had 5 slightly glowing domes in the triangle shape and the light glow was in the flight pattern of geese flying as seasons change. Anyway it was silent made no sound. It moved at an angle from my right to in front of me or I turn more in the direction it was flying. When it came to my front it turned slightly and the shape changed due to the rear was now in vision. and accelerated and in less than a second speed away. The rectangle shape , or rear of vessel just grew smaller until it disappeared. 
The vessel moved like some low altitude jets do in flight manuvers here in Alabama where I live. The 5 Domes were surrounded by black color That I could see against the star lit sky. The sides had lower half black and upper half lighter grey color. the top was the same grey. 
The vessel was hard to determine how far away it was but if it was around 1/4 mile away it was about 300 to 400 feet long and the rear was about 150 to 250 feet wide. It was maybe 75 feet thick. the domes were about 20 feet in diameter with black space, color, in between them. That is the best I can describe it now. 
Email me if you have any questions. 


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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Solar Plane Prompts UFO Reports - Intentionally

It was silent. It was big. It was nearly hovering.... going slowly. It had a light display........................
1,300 views from a gathering site with 16-1 positive to negative ratio of opinion. REALLY A GREAT VIDEO!
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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Fireworks Connection To The Anomalous

So much for `going private' when Google can't even keep their own servers going, right? (For the last two hours most folks could not use anything connected to Google - like Blogger, etc.) Anyway.................. So, I've been waiting for something to tie to the annual increase in `UFO' reports to/on July 4th .... but, surprisingly it seems to me that folks might finally be catching onto the `Chinese Lantern' phenomena and not simply reporting it to MUFON as some sort of magical Orange Orb.

Indeed, the MUFON listing has been remarkably quiet IMO compared to recent years - but, a literally `temporal event' (IF NOT  A SHOOTING STAR) - brings forth today's Firecracker and Anomalous verbiage. Unless my mind is developing new fantasy imaginations - the Chinese, the original `people' to develop gunpowder and fireworks - also have a knowledge/theory/understanding/superstition that fireworks disturb the spirits.

Now, link THAT to the oft told (and I believe it is possible if not likely) tale that somehow it was the NUKE bombs - that has `brought the aliens' --- AND PERHAPS MUCH MORE. And, then, let's go back to the simple idea of what a huge explosion actually IS (to the environment surrounding `it'). Most importantly to me and my theories - is the exact location and exact timing that the `explosion' takes place while actualizing from the prior non-explosive state of being.

To me, and what perhaps is observed, is what I like to call (after Carlos Castaneda's Don Juan) a `Cubic Centimeter Of Chance' - that, being IMO, that `instantaneous points' of the time-space continuum are `laced with potential' - which `can be released' in some manner. Perhaps, in areas surrounding fireworks displays, such entities may be drawn to the circumstances - and, lo and behold - briefly actualize in some manner. 

Is That What This Is?
Jasonville, Indiana

In the latest MUFON reports is some pictures and video of a very brief Orb (or as I said a shooting star) that appears during a fireworks display that was being videoed. Below is the video `slowed down' - and, it doesn't appear to the END of this film (on the left side of the screen).
And, I REALLY like the photo submitted of the closeup of the Orb:
And, this is the written account which would suggest that the person DID see this for longer than the few moments on video
Jasonville, Indiana Orb/UFO
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