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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

IMPRESSIVE UFO Pictures In Latest MUFON Reports

Impressive, of course, is in the eye of the beholder. That said, one story and picture is quite unusual and I'll start with that one. It's reported to have happened in Virginia a week ago 4/23: UFO Drops UFO Picture
}was out to take a pic of the grass i cut then i saw this thing carrying something or dropping something but heard no noise it was so weird and being black and from dc i never believed in ufos until last week.......
I got up early to take a picture of the grass I cut so after I snapped a picture something told me to look up to the left then my heart stopped and I felt scared it was a saucer picking up or dropping something I had chills and wanted to leave my cousin was stuck but saw it then it move so fast or vanished right there and we ran but I took a picture if you blow up in the upper left above the tree its there but I can make out the beams and all.

Or, is that two birds? Got up early to take a picture of cut grass? I see no `beams'.
And, from the LMR's - someone may have captured an Orb in San Antonio Texas Yesterday (picture)
And, the report would indicate that it was moving, silent, and that a small plane may have taken Evasive Action To Avoid It.
Is this those Orb Callers in SA again at work?
How about one of those `lifetime' Orb observers - a few of their latest captures from Minneasota:

And, here is this person's story -- they say that the Orbs are getting Lower And Lower in the sky. Hmm.
And finally, IF you want to believe that UFO's are part of  something the government is VERY concerned about - this LMR will get you thinking Government Chasing UFO's - BUT - consider that this person submitted 7 pictures or so and NOT ONE is worth a damn compared to what the words claim. What's going on in Virginia, right?
IF you care about what is happening in Brazil between `UFO Reseachers' and the Military --- get up to date Here; they claim to have released 4,500 pages of documents and there is a link at this link. That said, this meeting is about getting more........ Which brings me to this question for you ..... Those nutty UFO Disclosure Folks are again meeting in the USA, indeed, it's been going on now for a day or so and will be continuing..... so, with President Obama doing his first real news-conference in who knows how long ---- think the MSM is going to ask him any questions and UFO's? OF COURSE NOT.  And, as far as I can tell, the MSM has TOTALLY IGNORED this `UFO Disclosure Conference'.
The first days of UDCC being private (it will be phased in) will be in MAY...... to avoid being shut out..... you will need to provide me your e-mail at this MailChimp account that I am setting up Click Here For The Clock listing. Yes, it could be tomorrow.
2012 UFO Videos - The BEST Page Covering UFO's In 2012
See YOU Tomorrow?

Monday, April 29, 2013

Orb `Line' UFO Captured In Cellphone Picture (Latest MUFON Reports)

The report is from Perryton Texas and supposedly occurred yesterday (28th): The report, Seen Here, indicates the streak of light moved across the sky for 10-15 seconds and then vanished. (Could this be some Chemtrail spewer just past sunset?)

link -
This report is kind of rare in the sense the while `Orbs' are seen  to move - and while `elongated' Orbs are seen to flux on occasion in one place/location - it's rare for the `streak of light' to travel as a cohesive whole..... something to ponder perhaps.
But, the Latest MUFON Reports certainly held more for your consideration (the LMR are the public listing of the latest 20 reports) - such as:
A detailed account of a `UFO' sighting in Salt Lake City on Saturday by two friends - Good Read (interesting aftermath to this 90 second visual sighting)
Car Chased By UFO Into Apt. Complex (over at Amazing UFO Stories)
But, perhaps the best picture of the day involves `Steve Jobs' - yes, that SJ. --- again, this is from the latest MUFON report - Has SJ `returned' for a look at his boat? (one would think he would be an infused consciousness within the afterlife, right?)

link -
Interesting MUFON Report Too - Seems the Guy Has Seen Other UFO's Close Up Before (the photo was taken on 4/26 - in Lake Park Florida)
Finally, (and again from the LMR) - something I think we will probably be seeing much more of and what will prove nothing - and that is these strange objects being captured by Thermal Imaging - this is a video link. Interesting.
Real UFO Blogging - UDCC! Subscribe On Your Kindle Here (Free To Begin) --- IF you have never been to my Kindle Author Page - please read some samples - none of my books are more than 2.99....... And, PLEASE put your name on the mailing list before the phase-in of UDCC being `private' - do so by filling in this ChimpMail Form - much thanks. May will have the first `private' day(s).
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Unspeakable - Chemtrails And Economic Collapse (Best of The Heavy Stuff)

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Rooftop WeatherCam Captures....... `Object' (MUFON Reports)

The uploader of this video taken yesterday in Massapequa New York says this cam shoots 30 frames per second and that in a year of doing this he hasn't seen anything like this...... You'll need to be quick as the `object' goes across the screen (as he says, horizon to horizon) in the first 1/2 second. Nonetheless, you can stop frame it to your hearts content.... when I did, I never could `catch' a `wing-flap'..... and only caught a consistent shape but changing direction (within this half second mind you) object. Written Report (very short)

BTW, several of you have reached out with stories and more since I've indicated the UDCC will be going mostly private. I do want to stress that this is NOT immanent but will occur slowly over a period of time. Most likely. LOL.

NONETHELESS, please provide an EMail so that you can be put on the `private' listing. I've been using this ChimpMail Link to sign folks up. Many of you have already... much appreciated. Remember I will offer `Freebies' to those that sign up in addition to having access to all the posts of UDCC. Or/And, you can also sign up for you a FREE trial of UDCC onto your Kindle Device Too - this is THE WAY to UDCC and your favorite blogs - without a laptop. My thanks again to my early subscribers.
Important UFO Sightings Of The 2000s - The 2006 O'Hare UFO Airport Incident (The Heavy Stuff) 
The MythRepresentation Of UFOlogy 
Important UFO Sightings Of The 2000s - The 2008 Stephenville UFO Events (The Heavy Stuff) 
Shaman Lujan Matus Has Answers 
The Slippery Slope Of Now And Real - The Phenomenology Of Actualization 
The Ultimate 9-11-2001 Anomaly (Best of The Heavy Stuff) 
Beyond The Great Beyond 
Unspeakable - Chemtrails And Economic Collapse (Best of The Heavy Stuff) 
Going To The Light At Death - The New Theories (The Heavy Stuff)

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Compelling UFO Reads

Good Morning. I'm going to the bin today and pull some links - including some Ken Pfeifer links that I've screened - guaranteeing an interesting read. Ready?


While in the US Navy in the summer of 1986, I was standing lookout aboard the USS Edenton ATS 1 (currently decommissioned). The lookout watch, stood outside on top the bridge of the ship, and was responsible for reporting all contacts seen both in the water and sky. It was around eleven p.m. one clear night at sea, located about fifty miles off the coast of Cape Hatteras, NC.  During one of my scans of the night sky, out of know where, four red circular lights appeared. The lights where hundreds of yards apart from each other and formed a square. At first, I thought it was four separate air craft, such as, military helicopters because the lights were stationary; however, due to the distance from the ship, the lights where too large to be aircraft running lights.  There were also no other normal running lights like green and white, which make-up the normal outline of an aircraft seen at night. The lights where located about twenty degrees above the horizon and about a mile away from the ship. Again, these four red lights were each about the size of a small plane, which were very bright and visible in the night sky. The night sky was also clear, moon lit, and a moderate amount of stars were visible, which also aided in calculating the distance and size of these lights.  As stated, when I first saw these lights they were all stationary in the sky and appeared out of know where. Once I noticed that these were not normal lights, grouped in a square and not moving, I called down to the bridge over a salt and pepper line informing the conning officer of a possible UFO sighting. This brought laughter across the wire at first, but I relayed the contact again in a stern but excited voice, which succeeded in getting the bridge officers attention. After relaying the contact information a second time, the four lights, in a flash, darted towards the horizon amazingly fast. The lower two lights in the square went first, with the top two lights following directly behind them in a curved swooshing motion and there was no sound.  Then all four shot straight up into outer-space and out of sight, all within a split second. At this point, I felt very excited and shocked, and was personally praying someone on the bridge had seen what I just saw. Having been an avid watcher of the night sky, seen shooting stars and a believer in that life has to exist somewhere out there, I become even more excited because I knew, I just saw my first unidentified flying object(s).  To my amazement, when I returned to the bridge after my watch, I was very pleased to learn that the conning officer and everyone else on the bridge had seen this sighting and logged it into the ship’s log as a UFO sighting.  Next, after a half hour had passed since the sighting, the radiation detection system (gamma roentgen meter) on the bridge started making a loud clicking sound. At first, no one seemed to know what was making this sound then a very loud bell went off notifying us as to what was going on, we were being radiated.  When the instrument stopped clicking, it indicated we had taken a hit of 385 roentgens in the period of about one minute. At this point, the captain of the ship was awoken and called to the bridge, as well as the chief in charge of the radiation metering equipment onboard ship.  The captain was not impressed with an entry of a UFO sighting being placed in the ship’s log, and at first, took the roentgen meter as being defective. However, the chief informed the captain that the meter had been serviced and calibrated the day before and that other like meters throughout the ship had just gone off indicating the same amount of roentgens received as the bridge. The captain stated not to log the instance concerning the radiation exposure and left the bridge. During the rest of my watch duty that night, no officer or enlisted person spoke of what happened, and also acted liked nothing happened. This experience, however, was etched into my memory as if it happened yesterday and I have told this story to only a few people, people who I thought would believe me. This is also the first time I have documented the events of this night.

In conclusion, as an indication of the strength of gamma radiation, I and others received that night; all the personnel during the Project Trinity experiments conducted in 1945 at ground zero, only received between 1 and 6 total roentgens of gamma radiation. This leads me to believe, we traveled through the wake of radiation produced by the UFOs seen thirty minutes earlier. 




 William Gill would have one of the most celebrated UFO sightings to ever be documented, which was validated by a whole group of additional witnesses.  This extraordinary event would take place at 6:45 P.M., June 26, 1959. Father Gill saw what he described as a bright white light to the Northwest. Word of the sight spread quickly, and within a few moments, Gill was joined by no less than thirty-eight additional witnesses, including Steven Moi, Ananias Rarata, and Mrs Nessle Moi. According to sworn statements, these thirty-plus individuals watched a four-legged, disc-shaped object approximately the size of 5 full moons lined up end to end. This unbelievable craft was hovering over the mission! To their utter surprise, they saw four human-like figures that seemed to be performing a kind of task. Now and then one of the figures would disappear, only to reappear in a moment or two.  A blue light would shine up from the craft at what seemed to be regular intervals. The witness watched the craft and its activities for a full forty-five minutes, until the shining ship rose into the sky, and disappeared at 7:30 P.M. Glued to the sky, the witnesses would see several smaller objects appear at 8:30, and twenty minutes later, the first craft reappeared.
 This phenomenal occurrence would last an incredible four hours, until cloud cover obscured the view at 10:50. Father Gill prepared a full written report of this event, and 25 other observers signed the document. This first sighting, a once in a lifetime occurrence, would incredibly be followed by another sighting the very next night. At 6:00 P.M., the larger object appeared again, with its occupants. It was shadowed by two of the smaller objects.  In William Gill's own words: "On the large one, two of the figures seemed to be doing something near the center of the deck. They were occasionally bending over and raising their arms as though adjusting or "setting up" something. One figure seemed to be standing, looking down at us." (In a moment of anticipation, Gill raised his arms and waved to the figure.)
"To our surprise the figure did the same. Ananias waved both arms over his head; then the two outside figures did the same. Ananias and myself began waving our arms, and all four seemed to wave back. There seemed no doubt that our movements were answered..." Gill and Ananias continued to occasionally wave, and their waves were returned. Another witness, Eric Kodawara, waved a torch, and there were acknowledgments from the craft. Gill went inside to eat, but when he came back, the craft was still there, only farther away (smaller).  After a Church service, at 7:45, Gill again came outside to look for the craft, but clouds had appeared, and there was no sight of the object. The very next evening, the shining craft would make one more appearance. Gill counted eight of them at 6:45. At 11:20, Gill heard a loud bang on the roof of the mission. Going outside to see what had happened, he spied four UFOs in a circle around the building. These four craft were extremely high in the sky. The roof was checked for damage the next morning, but none was found. 

My thanks to KP.
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Friday, April 26, 2013

A Kumburgaz, Turkey UFO Image Analysis

The `Turkey' UFO videos - with `aliens' in the cockpit window - have been around for nearly 6 years now. Some swear that it's the very best UFO footage ever - others not so sure it isn't an inversion over water. That said, I ran across THE LINK that examines the whole issue with background and depth - and felt that it would make for a GREAT read for Clockers as we enter the weekend. Hold onto your hats as it is quite a substantial read. 

My thanks to the half dozen or so of you that signed up to be put on the `private' list for UDCC. And, just a FYI, one of my parents is very ill out of state and therefore the posts over the next short period of time may be slim to none.  

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Plasma UFO/Orb Picture Rocks MUFON Reports

Found a thing or two of interest in the latest MUFON reports today - first that image of the headline - April 7th, 2013 UFO - City Of Industry, California (Detailed Account) (even better at this link)
Ready for more from the LMR?
2010 House Hovering UFO - Staten Island, NY
2012 `Building In The Sky' UFO, Fredrick Maryland - Two Observers, One For A Second Time
Let's finish up with another UFO picture from 2012 and from California - here's the report - Helendale California UFO, Folding Parallel Lights: (worth the blow up for detail)
Perhaps you've noticed the top left and top center columns asking for your E-Mail address to get onto the `Private' listing for UDCC. Some of you have already `subscribed' in this manner - the manner that will need to be used. It's a Chimp Mail account that I poorly put the graphic together evidently - nonetheless, it works. 

Indeed, one of the early folks contacted me already today - telling me of UFO experiences of his own and his heady website.  Indeed, I've just started reading about his UFO Experiences - I think Clockers will have an interest. The guy is quite the writer and thinker too.
I appreciate the TWO book purchases made yesterday by one of my Canadian readers - and the one UK purchase and the several USA purchases in the last few days.
PLEASE CHECK OUT MY KINDLE AUTHOR PAGE NO BOOK OVER 3.00 --- AND WOW - THANKS to my new Kindle subscribers to this blog......... now in the top 200k on Kindle. Begin YOUR FREE subscription onto YOUR Kindle - UFO Countdown Clock!
Nothing to click today - except - IF you are a regular reader and want to be on the `private' list to continue to access UDCC - then please go up to the top of this page and enter your e-mail address or use the link on the top of the left column. Thanks.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Finally Above Board - Bigelow And NASA Make Moon Plans

The man who is IMO the UFO connection to the public and government - is now working with NASA on building a base on the moon - and working with NASA on figuring out how the private sector can be more involved in space.
Bigelow Aerospace Moon Base
Or, how does the planet MARS sound for the 2030's? (the link to the story and more pictures)
Here's a video (from the above link) of Mr. Bigelow from 2011 - has about 4,800 views and a 28/1 ratio of positive to negative opinion. Obviously the video shows RB in the most positive of lights:
link -
So, Dr. Steven Greer finally `released' the movie/documentary `Sirius' to the public on the 22nd (Earth Day) and according to this link with 101 comments on Reddit --- you were probably wise to save that 9.95................... Still, worth the read to know what Greer showed everyone. (That said, the Reddit UFO community isn't the brightest of the bunch either.)
Looking for a UFO App? (Interesting website too.)
Oh - I found an update about the MUFON story I ran earlier this year about the 7 foot alien at the door (the one with the horrible pictures of ...... well, nothing really) - it's interesting and worth your read - but - that said, to me - it's beginning to be a bit drawn out if this guy has real Video Proof of Lizard Aliens and their `craft'. Oh, don't worry, these aren't mean or scary 7 foot aliens. Nonetheless, I like what this UFO blogger is doing.
My thanks to Alton at Before It's News at posting yesterday's link on their Facebook page - welcome to UDCC - UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock. Have a look around and dig into the sidebar for much more UFOLOGY.
MUFON Account of 1979 UFO Experience Involving A Close Sighting Of A UFO Craft - Great Description

AnomalyMan's UFO's And Time Travel Pictures
On the Phenomenology of the Consciousness of Internal Time (1893-1917) (Husserliana: Edmund Husserl - Collected Works)
Have a Kindle, then you can subscribe to this blog with a FREE trial period - so, to have UDCC appear on your Kindle for the next 14 days click this UFO Countdown Clock.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

OMG - A 2013 `Hanging Jetliner' Photo Emerges In Latest MUFON Reports

If you want to draw dumbfounded blank stares - bring up `hanging Jetliners' and see what look you get. It's a rarely reported phenomena that UDCC is almost the only game in town as far as reporting the near absurd phenomena. Make sure to hit he hanging jetliner `tag' for more background or see the one remaining link in the sidebar.

Nonetheless, today's beyond belief picture and short report - IF REAL - are astonishing (picture taken yesterday in Illinois). First the picture and make sure to go to the original for a bigger blowup size. 
My nephews wife saw a large military plane hover for about 3 minutes making no sound. She had her cell phone and took a picture. She said it looked big and had 6 engines.... 2 pointing down. Again it was silent. She went inside for a minute came out and it ead gone. 

BTW, some Clockers may remember that my wife indicated to me that she saw a `hanging plane' about a year ago near a small mountain near our home area - I showed her this picture and asked her if it struck a cord - `kinda' (showed her the blown up version of course). Can anyone identify this plane?
BTW, the Colin Bennett story of his hanging aircraft story is getting harder and harder to find on the internet and the only two remaining links seem to have vanished. It is still available via a forum that copied the entire story which I now bring to you below: The Colin Bennett Hanging Aircraft Story
III. A Lancaster Bomber over Powis Square.

Here I offer my own personal experience as the kind of human testimony that did not get into the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society.
It was a Sunday sometime in the midsummer of 1978. I was writing plays at the time, and I had a play being performed at the Shepherds Bush Theatre, only a four-minute bus ride away from where I lived in Notting Hill. Lots of lively people were always passing through my flat (they still do!) in the Portobello Road, but on this Sunday no one called and the telephone did not ring. I felt a bit out on a limb, which is an unusual feeling for me. I decided to go to the theatre and see my play. I did this several times during the week as a playwright learns a lot seeing his own work being performed.
I got to the theatre only to find it dark and closed. I felt like an idiot, because of course I should have realized that there were no performances on a Sunday.
I traveled back to Notting Hill Gate by bus and got off the bus still feeling out on a limb. I crossed the road to the Coronet Cinema and saw advertised a film entitled “Salon Kitty.” I blush to recall – this was a soft porn film about Nazis and prostitutes. I got my ticket and sat there watching this piece of crap and asking myself whether I had finally reached the age where I went into cinemas alone to watch soft porn films!
The film finished round 11.10 pm. It was now dark, and I bought some cat food from a local store and started on the five-minute walk home. I reached my house and was about to turn right into the yard from the pavement when I saw a bright white light in the sky above me. It was raised 20 degrees elevation from the horizontal plane, and was about as big as an outstretched fist, and it was moving very slowly.
It was a most peculiar white light. If it had been say, a searchlight of that power and intensity it would have blinded me; I would have put my hands over my eyes and fallen to the ground.
But no, it was quite pleasurably hypnotic, and it went straight to the back of my head. Almost as if the light had prompted me to do so, I turned to the left and looked in the sky above Powis Square, a play-park in front of my house in Colville Terrace.
I then saw something that I have not forgotten to this day. In the sky above Powis Square was a World War 2 Lancaster bomber no less, hovering dark, silent and quite still over the square, its nose pointing west. There were no lights on it, and its four propellers were not turning.
At this point I decided to call for help. I have to explain something here. At the time I had a third-floor flat in the house I refer to. I had a girlfriend (we will call her Barbara) who lived in the basement flat of this same house. Seeing her lights on to my right, I shouted to her. She came out, and started to mount the basement stairs to come up to street level. I remember thinking at the time in a panic-stricken kind of way that if when Barbara reached the top of those steps she did not see what I was seeing, then I was hallucinating or someone had slipped me something.
Then she saw the bomber, lit ghost-like by the original light which had now diminished somewhat. Her jaw dropped and she was a very frightened woman.
The bomber-shape now began to move to the northwest as the light diminished.
To the utter astonishment of us both, the bomber now began to change shape. It changed (“morphed” we would say today) into a huge triangle that disappeared rapidly to the northwest.
In the sky high above the black triangle there now appeared a much smaller light than the first light, which had now almost faded to nothing. This second light raced across the sky in the same direction as the disappearing black triangle. Another even smaller light came out of this light, and executed some six complete cycles of a sine wave.
The entire display then disappeared, rather like a light bulb being switched off.
Speechless, we got into Barbara’s flat. As soon as I went into her living room, horror struck me. There was man in black sitting on her settee!
At first, at least, he was “explained.” He told me that Barbara had kindly let him in order to wait for James, who lived upstairs and was not at home. The MIB was a handsome man, about fifty years old and well built. He wore an immaculate suit and tie, with a lion’s mane of tawny blond hair over a large head. He was very well spoken and he moved and gestured rather like a rather old-fashioned stage actor. He said that his connection with James was through Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.
The MIB, on seeing two pale-faced people who obviously did not want to talk much, decided not to stay and wait any longer and politely took his leave. I could not understand at the time why Barbara (a most cautious and very straight woman) had let in a total stranger in the first place.
Here I have to enter a personal note. As I said, Barbara was my girlfriend at the time, and though I had a third-floor flat, on most nights I usually stayed with her in her basement flat. But this night, in a state of shock, we parted without saying much after the MIB had gone. I suppose both of us wanted to be alone for a while. This struck me as unusual because frightened people usually want to stay together.
I collected my cats from the yard and took them to my flat upstairs. I opened the tins of cat food, and put the food in the cat’s dishes. It was when I straightened up from bending down to do this that I nearly fainted with a terrible realization.
I had lost some time!
It was still only 11.10.
By this time it should have been approximately 11.35.
Of course I did any and every kind of time check: Phone, radio, TV (there were no personal computers then). I phoned the cinema manager and he confirmed the time the film finished. I checked with other tenants in the building. I again went through my rough calculations. No matter how I calculated, I knew I had lost half an hour between leaving the cinema and the ending of the experience.
At this point I should say that I took the kind of decision that can cause accusations of falsehood, deceit and deception. I decided not to rush downstairs and tell Barbara about the missing time, since she was most upset about the incident. I should add here that Barbara was a dour physics graduate with little imagination and sense of the ridiculous.
The next day I saw James, and remarked that he had missed his AA friend the night previous. Puzzled, he asked me about this friend, and I described his appearance. My head spun again when James said he had no such friend as described, adding that there was no such person in the AA groups he attended.
Needless to say this was the second piece of information I kept from Barbara. I did note that James, though of much smaller build, was also very well spoken and he also moved and gestured rather like a rather old-fashioned stage actor.
The follow-through was profoundly disappointing: no dreams, no disturbing recall of aliens, no indications of an abduction-type experience. And nothing remotely like it has happened to me since.
The relationship between Barbara and I broke up almost immediately due to this incident. It was as if she now regarded me as some kind of witching person who had done something terrible to her. I had become a spider who had trapped her in a drama of conflicting explanation structures. For the rest of her life Barbara knew that she would have a broken world-structure in her hands. Naturally, she moved away from yours truly as fast as she could. Barbara, by the highest standards was a brilliantly intelligent woman, but like most scientists, she was ill equipped to deal with this kind of experience. Relativity having not yet settled in as a common cultural reference, Barbara had great difficulty applying her imposed Cartesian/Newtonian framework to the levels of absurdity that she had encountered.
After 25 years I still see Barbara occasionally along the Portobello Road. But she now hurries by me, and according to reports, the man she married eventually once asked her why she appeared to be afraid of me. She said I was “strange,” and left it at that. Her husband (not a very bright or inquisitive fellow I am afraid to say) shrugged his shoulders and forgot about the matter.
We live now in an age where the clocks and measuring rods of late 19th century mechanism are being translated into streams of information which have a life almost of their own. These streams consist mostly of powerful images generated by media and entertainment in which “fact” in the mechanical sense plays little or no part at all. Mythological engineering now plays a part in Western societies equal to that of mechanical engineering, and in many cases the two (such as Star Trek) are mutually supportive. Yet the “hard” physical sciences do not yet understand the equations of Marshall McLuhan, despite the cognitive lens of which I spoke of earlier undergoing changes of focus, definition, and organization. By ratio and comparison we have subjected stone-age cultures to this kind of experience. We would be fools indeed if we thought that it could not happen to ourselves in turn.
It took me some time to realize just how complex my UFO experience was. It had a subtle psycho-mythological substrate. When I discovered this, I was quite shaken by the implications. I had seen a mythological animal, no less. Not a unicorn or a white rabbit with a pocket watch, but a mythological creature for a technological Age: a Lancaster bomber, of all things. Why is such a thing mythological? Because this aircraft was once was a flying lance of freedom, a piece of Britain’s sacred electro-mechanical muscle, just as symbolic as the lance of St George and engaged in an equally desperate life and death struggle with a dragon.
What I saw was a multi-faceted information-based phenomenon, and its mystical unity came complete with a shooting star above it, no less!
All of this, of course, was not felt consciously by me at the time: This interpretation came as a result of the deconstruction of the experience itself in bits and pieces over the years that passed afterwards. It was only after some years had passed that I began to realize how rich in lore and symbols was the experience.
To myself now, years later, this UFO was a liminal object that is something whose “existence” lies between fact and fiction, like an Escher drawing. I am now aware that indeed there were other structured levels involving time, destiny, and personality besides an “objective” component.
I have analyzed the major features of this experience as follows:
(1) The folklore content. The transfer from the myths of pre-technological Age (knights on horseback) to the Lancaster, a “modern” construct.
(2) The National/historical element. This aircraft represented no less than the saving of the National life.
(3) Personal factor. I had seen a film about Nazis approximately some 20 minutes before the sighting.
(4) The screening filter. I applied some screening myself as what I thought at the time was a necessary measure. I did not tell Barbara about the missing time, nor did I tell her about James not knowing the MIB. What I was being screened from in turn is anybody’s guess.
(5) Atmosphere. Just like the one-minute’s silence before the bugles sound at the Cenotaph on Remembrance Day. Although there was no sound, there was also the feeling I had when the only Lancaster still flying appeared on the Hyde Park horizon in 1995 during the 50th Anniversary of D Day. I had the feeling that all our lives had been saved by such things as this aircraft.
(6) The spectacular hi-tech “alien” manifestation of an ancient almost holy thing such as a Lancaster. I had also the creepy feeling that this “hi-tech” dimension was designed for the framework of my human understanding.
(7) The “objective” content. The UFO moved, accelerated, had a shape-change, and was accompanied by no less than three kinds of light phenomenon. As I have said, I had a witness not normally disposed to the appreciation of such things.
All of these elements form a powerful multi-dimensional information construct in terms of images and situations. Instead of pods on stilts with insect brains, the “aliens” (and what I saw was certainly not of this world) gave this holistic dimension as “communication.” I had always rejected what I always thought to be the hopelessly crude Victorian Station Master’s idea of detecting “signaling codes” from outer space by electromagnetic emanations. This mechanical metaphor was derived from an Age of lighthouses and railways and postal services and a box-like Euclidean space in which parcels and passengers traveled in quantifiable numbers and units from point A to point B. According to the Theory of Relativity, this would surely result in the greatest dead-letter box of all time. The novelist Hermann Melville’s character, Bartleby (whose whole personality was annihilated by working in a dead-letter office of mere Earthlike proportions) would be doubly amazed.
Certainly my “encounter” convinced me that we live in a vaster framework of being and existence than we could possibly imagine. I had the sobering thought that this manifestation was the kind of thing George Adamski and many others saw. This kind of technology, not far removed from holographic TV, could produce a “man from Venus” at the drop of a hat. It would be an equally sobering experience for scientists to find that their discoveries were part of a multi-dimensional media/gaming entertainment system of many levels of focus, development, and application.
The model in my mind which emerged from this experience is that of an islander from a far-flung Pacific culture that has not invented weaving or the wheel, waking up one morning and seeing a sail-rigged ship with paddle wheels and a single funnel pouring smoke into the sky.
I was that islander, and by analogy, and with a little tribal re-scaling, I think I saw such a ship.
Twenty-five years later I was to write a book about George Adamski, Looking for Orthon. I think the book began that night in Powis Square.
Colin Bennett
About Colin Bennett: Colin Bennett was born in Robin Hood’s Sherwood Forest, within arrow-shot of the Sheriff of Nottingham’s castle. He left school after studying science and mathematics, became a professional musician, then a mercenary soldier before winning a scholarship to read English at Balliol College, University of Oxford.
After leaving Oxford, he had several plays performed on the professional stage in London including the Royal Court Theatre before retraining as an electronics engineer to cure what he calls “a bad dose of left-liberal decadence.” After his reconstruction, he then ran his own electronics consultancy and printing firm. He has had two novels published, and now lives within a spear-throw of Portobello Road, London, and hopes he has done with reconstructions. He is frequently consulted on security, conspiracies, and computer hacking. He now heads a team who spend all their time running the Combat Diaries web site
He is the author of Looking for Orthon (Paraview Press) a biography of George Adamski. His following book, on the life work, and ideas of Charles Fort, was Politics of the Imagination (Head Press). This won the Anomalist Award for Best Biography, 2002.
His third biography is due out in March 2005. This is An American Demonology (Head Press) the story of Captain Edward Ruppelt, who headed Project Blue Book in the early 1950s. This Project was the official United States Air Force investigation into the UFO phenomenon. Both the above books are available on Amazon.

    Looking for Orthon: The Story of George Adamski, the First Flying Saucer Contactee, and How He Changed the World 

    Flying Saucers over the White House: The Inside Story of Captain Edward J. Ruppelt and His Official U.S. Airforce Investigation of UFOs

    Monday, April 22, 2013

    Alliance Ohio, Retired Pilot Observes 4 Craft Of Unknown `I can no longer say NO - (to the UFO question)' (Latest MUFON Reports)

    You know, sometimes around UDCC I make fun/light of the terrible spelling or grammar on the various MUFON reports - at times so atrocious as to seemingly be to make the `reporter' of such stuff seem like a complete yokel. Others would say that is the typical intelligence level of the rural area folks that are usually the ones that `see' UFO's. 

    Now, that said, we also have the other type of report - like this one Alliance Ohio UFO's that is so detailed as to almost draw the opposite type of attention to the report. Nonetheless, obviously, the detailed articulate reports by `trained observers' is always a pleasure to read - like just the `detail' highlights that I provide below (read the link for the FULL account) - this event happened yesterday and is on the Latest MUFON reports
    .....My truck was backed in my drive facing East and I had walked out my front door of my home that also faces East and was using the passenger door to place the items in my truck. I closed the truck door and pivoted to my left (now facing north) to go back in my house, when I noticed on the horizon 3 (three) objects approx. 30deg. above the horizon at an altitude of 3500msl (2500 agl in this area). The objects were flying in formation,........The craft were heading due West (270deg.) making no sound. As I stated, they resembled an orange-yellow fireball with no discernable sharp edges. The firey glowing light they emitted was NO aircraft lighting as this light came from the entire craft. ....... I noticed stars and upper level cirrus clouds that were covering approx. 15% of the sky at the time of the sighting ......when I got back outside, there was a 4th object trailing the three, completing a tetrahedron formation as the 4th craft was trailing the lead craft by approx. 5nm. The craft were traveling at a speed, I calculated based on their distance away which being 30 deg. on the horizon at 3500 altitude, to be roughly 125kts......
    The Myth Representation Of UFOlogy
    I found this today and thought that Clockers may be interested. It's George Knapp Updating His Views On Bob Lazar - it makes for a good 2013 read. The link also goes to an additional audio of the interview too.
    I found out a bit more about what happens when a blog goes private on blogger - :

    Click the Add Readers link and then enter the email address of a person to whom you want to grant access to your blog. To add multiple people, separate their addresses with commas.
    For each address entered, the Google Account associated with that address will be given access to view your blog. If an address is not associated with an account, that person will be sent an invitation email with a link allowing them do one of three things:
    • Sign in to an existing account
    • Create a new account
    • View your blog as a guest (no account required)
    In the first two cases, the reader will be given permission to view your blog whenever they are signed in to their Google Account. As a guest, they'll be able to continue viewing your blog through the link in the invitation email, but this will expire after 30 days. After that, they'll need a new invitation.
    If you want to revoke someone's access to your blog, simply click the X link next to his or her name in theBlog Readers list. You can also go back to the "Anybody" option any time you decide to make the blog completely public again.
    So, what I may be doing is seeking the email addresses of readers who want to continue in the private mode - perhaps over the next 30 days - as, it seems, if I read the above right - you have to be on MY list before you have the opportunity to sign in to UDCC when/if it goes private to UDCC's best readers.

    AND - kinda big news - Eligael G. has agreed to participate in a new Kindle Book about The Jerusalem Orb that I will be releasing sometime in 2013. (Other E-books of UDCC content will be first.) I will probably include the NYC incident of Oct. 13, 2010 in the book too. Stay tuned.
    As most of you know, I also have a blog called The Heavy Stuff - there's only one place on the internet where I have all the posts in one place for easy browsing and it's at my Squidoo.Com page - The Link To The Posts Of The Heavy Stuff - now, go do the groovy thing.
    See You Tomorrow - Please look around the sidebars!
    Begin your FREE Kindle subscription today to UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock - less than 12 dollars a year (99 cents a month cancel at any time). My thanks to the early subscribers.

    Sunday, April 21, 2013

    The 9-10-11 Sky Plasma Energy Pictures From Arizona (MUFON Report)

    Even as a MUFON Report this UFO account may not strike you as being so reliable - but - the pictures are very interesting and override my desire to not use this `structured orb' as my lead today: Seligman, Arizona Fiery UFO -9-10-11 (full report)
    Are these morphing objects probes? Orbs? Representations of our imagination? Nefarious?
    Over at Amazing UFO Stories - a story of a UFO sighting so alarming as to grab the nearby Holy Bible.
    Thought I'd cue readers into a blog I encounter over at The Debris Field (listing) - Beyond Known and while I've linked to a recent post - it's worth your while to dig a bit deeper as this guy  could almost be called a `caller' of the anomalous and his blog is stuffed with the `proof' (much of which seems to be an eye of the beholder but SOME is definitely something different and worth viewing).

    Saturday, April 20, 2013

    Two `UFO' Stories Over 50 Years Old Told On Today's Latest MUFON Reports

    As Clockers know, I've generally been allocating these stories to my other UFO blog - Amazing UFO Stories and Strange UFO Videos - but, I also don't want to leave Clockers behind as the `Old-Time' UFO story has also been a long time part of our UDCC too. So, with that in mind, today I present one story from 1954 in Maine and another from 1959 in Kansas.

    It's hard to beat the tease on the 1954 account `they came to me in my crib': Bad Fiction? Or Miraculous Memory?
    They came to me in my crib and they hovered above my mattress. They were orbs colored in blue, green and yellow. They were beautiful. They levitated, formed a circle around me, colored titanium white and began to circle me counter clockwise rapidly. They came into my body around my waist. The next thing I knew they were leaving through the closed window and turned back into orbs. While playing with them I felt joy, safe, as though they were familiar to me. When they left, I felt heartbroken. I knew I would never see them again. I am missing time from this event. I want to know what they are, and what happened to me.
    How in the world are we to believe this person `remembers' a missing time aspect while as someone who was in a crib?
    This 1959 account again involves a child - as soon all 1950 told stories will; this time the UFO's are again very small and the duration of the experience again quite short:
    Two Plate Sized UFO's
    I know it happened many years ago close to 55 years in fact. My father or I never reported it. But what we saw is still vivid to me. My family & close friends know of the story, but some still dont believe. Some how this is a closure of an event that has had me wondering for years.

    My Mom , Dad & I had gone to a public lake for the day to swim. My Dad & I were in the water, my Mom was on the beach I had come up from swimming under water, I was about chest deep. It is then I saw to silver disk shaped objects hovering over the beach area. I dont remember how far or how high the objects were, but they were about the size of a small plate & they were still & silent. My Dad came up fom under water beside me. I was pointing to the objects. We both tried to get the attention of my Mom or anyone else, but the objects shot off at a right angle & disappeared in the sky traveling VERY fast. We knew wright away what it was. I havent seen any thing like it again.


    Thursday, April 18, 2013