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Monday, February 22, 2010

Disingenuous UFO `Soft Disclosure' Continues

Hello, and welcome to the UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock (UDCC) - thanks for visiting today. And, as you can see from today's title - I'm expressing a point of view about the latest `UFO Disclosure' from the United Kingdom. It is literally 6,000 pages, and is the FIFTH release of UFO files to the public for a one month inspection period.

Excuse me while I yawn.

First, exactly as I wrote in this column last week - this is a `soft disclosure' - here is how I wrote it:

"And, I call all these `soft disclosures' - because while governments have released files that would suggest something solid is within the Earth's atmosphere that perplexed and interested the military from a security standpoint - no country has then admitted an on-going concern or even a strong interest in the whole phenomena after releasing the data and files."

And, the word I should have added then, which I will add now is that EVERY soft disclosure is wrapped in a scary disingenuousness. How? Well, first, let's look at the very definition of the word disingenuous: (1655) lacking in candor; also: giving a false appearance of simple frankness: CALCULATING.

Now, lets look at the forward to the 6,000 page tome that no one will be able to digest in 30 days - it is written by Dr. David Clarke who said "said many of the sightings may have been influenced by what people had read and watched..."In the period the latest file release covers (1994-2000), triangular-shaped US stealth bombers and Aurora spy planes featured heavily on TV (The X Files 1993-2002) and films (Independence Day, 1996) and the shape of reported UFOs corresponds" interpretation could be that the latest advances in technology may be influencing what people see in the sky."

So, let's follow this logic closely: indeed, V shaped government craft suddenly were in the skies during this timeframe and were seen - causing an increase in V shaped `UFO's being seen. Yep, makes sense. But, what does that have to do with hovering crafts? What does it have to do with the still seen saucers? What does it have to do with the strange shapes seen all the time of UFO's?

Anwser - Nothing at all. Indeed, to have a glib professor, (who has a reason to know his book sales will increase) routinely diss - the 80% or more UFO's that do not correspond to `current media influences' - is - disingenuous. To not talk about why nations may have concerns about air space violations - is - disingenuous. To not discuss abductions with a serious nature - is - disingenuous. And, finally, to not discuss - WHY governments may not want to come clean about what they know about aliens - is - disingenuous.

Indeed, about as disingenuous as shutting down a UFO reporting office so that the money can be spent on body armor for the British troops around the world. Yes, that is how stupid the government  and main stream media thinks the sheeple are.

You can read more here and it has a link to the 6,000 page report - is your printer ready? . Thanks for visiting today - bookmark and return. Please visit our sidebar for other great websites too. And, daily, I do this kinda stuff at .

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My Advice About UFO Disclosure If The Government Is Really Serious

Hello, welcome to the UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock (UDCC) - thanks for visiting today. As you can see by the title of this post - I'd like to offer an unsolicited opinion about UFO Disclosure by the Government. USA government, or world government - whoever decides such issues.

My first opinion is that the first `soft disclosures' about UFO files by numerous countries over the last few years has at least begun to loosen the strings about the UFO information available. And, I call all these `soft disclosures' - because while governments have released files that would suggest something solid is within the Earth's atmosphere that perplexed and interested the military from a security standpoint - no country has then admitted an on-going concern or even a strong interest in the whole phenomena after releasing the data and files.

As you probably know, such files include radar data confirming pilot sightings and such ----- but -----also include the `high strangeness' like cases that seem to suggest that the UFO phenomena is something `bigger' than just crafts in our skies. Indeed, the result is that the line is left blurred, probably on purpose by the governments, to suggest that ALL UFO phenomena may be `qualitative' in some manner. Additionally, none of the soft disclosure is followed by `real discussion' by the government and the people on the implications to them or Earth if `we are not alone'. Soft disclosure folks.

Next, we have to ask ourselves as a people if we REALLY want to know as a culture this information (that is not to suggest that some really really want this out for various reasons). And I say that because of a REAL national poll about just this information - done only 5 years ago - that would strongly suggest that Americans are not ready - as you can see from this link - I specifically want to draw your attention to the answer of the question as to what folks thought UFO were -- only 32% of the sample gave an `alien' type answer (25% alien crafts, 7% dimensional travelers) - indeed a larger % thought they were hallucinations, government projects and mis-identifications (with a huge unknown %).

So, at this point - more believe the UFO's to be not alien in nature. Perhaps that is wishful thinking considering how the poll - a reputable poll by Roper - paid for by Robert Bigelow - really had concerning findings about what might happen if the government announced an alien presence. As seen below:

"when asked how they think OTHERS would react to the same news:25% most people would totally freak out and panic10% act irrationally and become dangerous to others14% begin to act very strangely36% most people would be very concerned13% most people would handle the information in a calm and rational way"

Seriously, folks - this is real data. Folks EXPECT others to freak out. And in another question only 32% said they were ready to handle the information of an advanced extraterrestrail civilization. That number in and of itself - is worrisome. And, is a real reason for the incredible slowness of the media to force the issue onto the government in any way. Politicians see no advantage to rocking the government boat (one of them may fall out if they do).

So, what to do. The first step, other than soft disclosure (which with the numbers above - should be left to other more advanced thinking countries than the USA) would be for the world to be told that the meteorites DID indeed have indications of life (that came from Mars). LIFE, must be established in the WORLDS mind as NOT being an attribute associated ONLY with Earth. This simple declaration should first put the religions of the world on notice that God will have descriptions of life beyond our Earth centered view.

Next, IF the government has information related to SETI that has been sat upon for the above reasons - THAT would need to be released too. This would give the Earth's population the idea that `intelligent life' -- `was out there'. (And, by being `out there' as opposed to `here' - would allow further understanding of the population of the `real possibilities'.) My advice would be to allow the two above positions of information to be known for at least a couple years - before real disclosure.

In the meantime - while letting SETI and `life' information to slowly trickle into the brains of humans - it might not be a bad idea for the focus to start talking about `portals' -- if the government believes them to be the means of arrival for alien visitors. (They can do that by letting the media focus on the minor teleportation our physicists have had success with.) As I think , `come and go' aliens - are better - than - `we are watching you' and are here, aliens.

Perhaps a decade with the above understandings would soften the reaction of the population to UFO Disclosure. To do so without a softening in attitudes, would be irresponsible. Even if I'm one of the 32% that would be able to handle it.

I welcome your comments (obviously, if the government has been in cover up mode the breaking of trust and black budgets become the number one concern of politicians - safety and abductions would also be a major issue too). I also talk UFO's and similar stuff at my new blog - here's a sample -

Monday, February 1, 2010

UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock Setting Slips 4 Hours to 6 P.M.

Hello, welcome to the UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock (UDCC) thanks for visiting today to read about the clock setting now re-set to 6:00 P.M. (after being at 10 PM last month - it's `latest' setting ever) - a retracing of four hours. As you might remember, last months latest setting (except in this websites first posts) ever was caused by the internet finding of an FAA request that indicated for pilots and radar control people to report UFO's or anomalous radar data to BAASS and ultimately to Robert Bigelow.

It was my feeling at the time, one month ago, that the FAA action was something new - and perhaps helpful (I had a lot of caveats) as far as the USA coming clean about alien or UFO Disclosure. Only to find out, via the internet, - that the FAA had already been giving Robert Bigelow's companies these types of reports for nearly a decade already - beginning with his backing of NIDS. Indeed, upon that realization - one can very easily conclude that the important pilot sightings and any confirmation of strange sky phenomena by airport radar - is now whisked off to who knows where. Obviously, out of the reach of the common man and the main stream media. One can only surmise if the purpose of such control is nefarious or not.

Indeed, I even found this old link last month from a 2005 study about peoples reactions if aliens were confirmed to America --- and - of course - it also was funded by Robert Bigelow. -- And, wonder no more as to why disclosure will come ever so slowly as those 2005 REAL RESEARCH (huge national sample) findings by Roper showed outcomes like -

"when asked how they think OTHERS would react to the same news:25% most people would totally freak out and panic10% act irrationally and become dangerous to others14% begin to act very strangely36% most people would be very concerned13% most people would handle the information in a calm and rational way"

If I add that correctly, the sample thought 85% would be affected and not in a positive manner.

Now, while I seldom talk about it here - I've been a market researcher for decades - and this real study is probably how the government feels it should dictate its actions. And, as the study says elsewhere in the report (read the link) - over 80% of the American folks don't even feel the aliens should disclose to the government first - and - as we all well know -- the peoples trust in the government, right now, is nearing historic lows. How credible or desirable is government disclosure anyway?

And, if the aliens DID contact the governments of the world first (as the internet fodder indicates) - and it's all been a big cover up game - peoples trust would indeed go to ZERO. Something no government will cultivate happening.

Perhaps, the 6PM setting - is way too late.

Thanks for reading today - feel free to comment.

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