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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Should Mainstream Media DEMAND To See The Outcome Of FAA UFO Reports Given to Robert Bigelow?

This GREAT post is now part of the GREAT book you see below - please click the cover to read a sample: Indeed, this post is the final chapter of the book you see below and is titled `UFO’s, The Mainstream Media and Robert Bigelow' in the book.


Friday, January 1, 2010

Another Decade Ends With NO American UFO Disclosure - Countdown Clock Setting Now 10 P.M.

So, another decade has come to a close and the U.S. government is still in the official position of no formal UFO disclosure - despite pleas by the exopolitics movement to what was assumed to be a more receptive President Obama. That said, a move by the FAA in the past 30 days has moved the Countdown Clock to its `latest' setting - since the early months of this website. I covered that FAA statement here earlier this week on Monday.

What I find perhaps most interesting with the FAA suggesting a specific firm to have the UFO reports filed to - is that it is BOUND to position Mr. Bigelow or a spokesman for Mr. Bigelow - very shortly - as the media GO-TO person/company when it comes to UFO reports involving pilots and air control. And THAT is not a thing that will be ignored by the MSM. Certainly, soon, Bigelow or a representative will be on CNN or prime time news. A person or company which will give a more `reasoned' response to something like the O'hare UFO incident of 2006 or the Stephenville UFO incidents of 2008 (and onward) to the media than the FAA or the Military did.

Now that Bigelow is also a moneyman behind MUFON - I expect that whole distinction to become blurred in the public eye - especially to the pussy-whipped media of America. Nevertheless, the `put it in a procedure manual' `change' in the FAA position on UFO's is VERY notable and moves the UFO clock to its 10:00 PM setting.

And, like last year - here's a review of the various times the clock was set at in 2009 and the reasons it moved or didn't move each month.

  • Jan - 7AM - slipped to 7 from 8 when Miles O'Brien of CNN was fired after a Dec. 08 UFO special - to save money.
  • Feb - 4AM - slipped because of discovery of Obama campaign tape and how he would handle it if it became known that the American people were being lied to about aliens on Earth -- answer - complete avoidance of question.
  • March (2:15 PM) - the median of a poll I had on the site for where my readers would set the clock
  • April - 4:20 AM - O'Hare 2006 UFO video hoax sets clock to `fool setting'.
  • May - 6AM - another Edgar Mitchell statement and part of exopolitics movement demanding a May 31st UFO Disclosure
  • June - 6AM - exopolitics demands bring nothing
  • July - 6AM - predictions from different quarters - even including Prophet Yahweh do nothing
  • August - 9AM - more evidence of UFO `calling' emerges
  • September - 9PM - the obscure `proof' dug up by Anthony Bragalia (not yet even touched by the MSM) that the Roswell incident involved materials not of this Earth via the FOIA
  • October - 9PM - nothing happens in MSM about Bragalia's find - Vatican makes another statement concerning alien life
  • November - 9:30 - primal screams for disclosure by the Exopolitics folks hits a crescendo
  • Demember - 8PM - exopolitics movement loses nearly all respect for NOV. 27th prediction of UFO Disclosure

As you can see from the above review - it has been an interesting year. Thanks for your support in 2009 - way more visitors than ever before. I also have a great list of the very best UFO links of 2009 right here

Comments, as always, are welcome.