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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

CE - 5 --- Close Encounters Of The Fifth Kind

Several years ago I read Steven Greer's book `Hidden Truth - Forbidden Knowledge' - and came away somewhat amazed by a number of things that happen in his story about extraterrestrials - not the least of which is what he called CE-5 or Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind. Specifically, CE-5 is when a human `calls' a spacecraft into the local area thru a form of meditation and vectoring - this art-form is something that Greer claims to be able to teach to those with an open mind.

More specifically, the mediation is to focus on these alien beings and wishing peaceful involvement with them; and the vectoring - has to do with telling the aliens `where and when' to `show up' for confirmation of their existence. From reading the book, one would think this was a fairly easy thing to do and teach others - indeed, claims are made in the book of other folks calling crafts after being taught how to do so. Greer even makes it seem like he himself was part of the sightings happening down in Gulf Breeze Florida (late in the flap, or after the flap).

But, perhaps the most extreme claim about CE-5 contact made by Greer has to do with what occurred on March 13th, 1997 in the Phoenix Arizona area and what has become known as the Phoenix Lights. I will quote from page 149 (softcover):

---- I flew into Phoenix on a U.S. Airways flight and as we were landing, I began the CE-5 protocols. I went into an expanded state of consciousness and into space and began vectoring extraterrestrial vehicles into the Phoenix area. I told the ETs, "It'd be great if you can do something undeniable while we're here that we can put into this footage to share with Congress whom we will be briefing in a couple of weeks." This was on March 13th, 1997, and the briefing for Congress was in early April.

So, essentially, Greer claims he is the source of one of Ufo history's major mysteries. No small feat (has he proved his itinerary in some fashion? if he can prove he was in Phoenix on THAT night it means something ) - and one I haven't seen discussed before on Ufo Websites (I'd be happy to find such material if it exists - leave a comment.) -------- Which brings to mind the whole idea of `calling' crafts or orbs - into the sky.

As you know, if you follow my writings - I've covered this in my other blog The Heavy Stuff -- (Prophet Yahweh) and - (Kentucky Man puts `ufo's' into the sky). So, the point I want to bring out is Greer fully claims to `have a technique' before either of these other men demonstrated it before an audience. It also does lend some credibility to all the circumstances - as strange as it all seems. Perhaps Greer is a guru after all.

Thanks for reading - leave a comment and don't forget to check out our sidebar including the Greer book - makes a great Christmas gift. And, check out our blogroll too for great esoteric reads.